The K Desktop Environment

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5. Key Accels

(TODO): This list is probably incomplete. Check!

F1         Help
F2         Config Dialog
F3         Switch into Trigonometry Mode
F4         Switch into Statistics Mode

Up Key     display previous element of the result stack
Down Key   display next element of the result stack
Page UP    Clear
Prior      Clear
Page Down  Clear All
Next       Clear All

ALT + d    set trig-mode to deg
ALT + r    set trig-mode to rad
ALT + g    set trig-mode to grad
ALT + e    set radix to decimal
ALT + o    set radix to octal
ALT + b    set radix to binary

s          Sin 
c          Cos 
t          Tan
n          ln  = log base e
l          log = log base 10
i          Inv inverse, e.g. if you want arcsin(x) type i s 
\          +/- 
[          ^2 
^          x^y 
=          = 
!          factorial
<          left shift
>          right shift
&          AND
*          multiply
/          divide

d          enter stat data item ( in stat mode)

o          OR
INV o      XOR
r          1/x r for reciproc 
Enter      = 
Return     = 
Backspace  Clear All 
Del        Clear All
Esc        Clear
h          Hyp (Hyperbolic) as e.g in Hyp Sin , the sinh(x) 

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