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SMIT Help Information for Installation Manager

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the Install & Update Software Manager GUI and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

Supplemental Information for this Product, Package, Base fileset, Fix, and Maintenance Level

Displays additional information on the software product such as that provided in the README files.

List All Requisites for this Maintenance Level or Fix

Select this option to display a list of requisites and size information for this update.

A Listing of All Requisites for this Maintenance Level or Fix

Displays a list of requisites and size information for this update. Requisite software is software that is required in order for another software product to function.

List All Problems Fixed by this Maintenance Level or Fix

Select this option to display a description of all problems corrected by this update.

Description of Problems Fixed by this Maintenance Level or Fix

Displays a description of all problems corrected by this update.

List User Instructions for Update Media

Select this option to display a list of user instructions for the update on the specified installation media. User instructions may contain important information needed to install or update a software product. The installation media can be a tape, diskette, CD-ROM, or a directory where installation image are stored.

Form of Installation

Select Apply if you want to apply the software you are installing. When you apply software, the product is installed and the replaced files are saved in a special save directory on the disk. In case of a failed installation, selecting this option enables you to restore the previous version of the software without having to reinstall it. The default for this option is selected.

Select Commit if you want to commit the software you are installing. When you commit software, you are making a commitment that previous versions of this product are not needed. Selecting this option temporarily saves replaced files until verification of successful install is complete, then all replaced files are removed. It is not recommended to commit updates you are installing for the first time. For example, after using a new version, you may decide you prefer to use an earlier version of the software. Once you commit the software you are installing, you will have no way to retrieve previous versions. You must reinstall previous versions in order to use them. The default for this option is unselected.

Select Apply/Commit if you want to commit the software you are installing by removing replaced files without temporarily saving them. Choose this option if you have limited space available on your system. The default for this option is unselected.

Level of Detail for Output

Specifies the level of detail for the installation output.

Selecting 1 indicates that the log file documenting the installation activity contains the least detailed level of information.

Selecting 2 indicates that the log file documenting the installation activity contains the most detailed level of information. The default is 1.

Level of Detail for Output

Specifies the level of detail for the preview output.

Selecting 1 indicates that the preview output contains the least detailed level of information.

Selecting 2 indicates that the preview output contains the most detailed level of information. The default is 1.

Information Area

Displays a preview of the software products you have selected to install. The information displays here varied according to the level of detail for output specified in the Preview Settings dialog.

Bundle Name

Enter a string of characters in this field to specify the name of the bundle you wish to create. This name must follow the naming convention for a file name.


Enter a description for the bundle in this field.


Specifies the name of the product by which to filter. Type a name or name pattern. If you leave this field blank, all products in the work area will be filtered according to the criteria you set.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying all of its filesets. The default for this option is selected.

Latest Version

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the latest version of the filesets. The default for this option is unselected.

Not Installed

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the filesets that are not installed. The default for this option is unselected.

filesets with License Keys

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the filesets for which a license password is found or that do not require a license password. The default for this option is unselected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the filesets which have been committed. The default for this option is unselected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying all of its maintenance levels. The default for this option is unselected.

Latest Version

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the latest version of the maintenance levels. The default for this option is unselected.

Maintenance Levels for which base is already installed

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the maintenance levels for which the base fileset is already installed. The default for this option is unselected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the maintenance levels which have been applied. The default for this option is selected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the maintenance levels which have been committed. The default for this option is unselected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying all of its fixes. The default for this option is unselected.

Latest Version

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the latest version of the fixes. The default for this option is unselected.

Fixes for which base is already installed

Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the fixes for which the base fileset is already installed. The default for this option is unselected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the fixes which have been applied. The default for this option is selected.


Select this item to filter the named product by displaying only the fixes which have been committed. The default for this option is unselected.


Specifies the name of the software to find.

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