SMIT Help Information for Software Installation and Maintenance

Note: The information contained in this article is structured as help information for the Software Installation and Maintenance and is not intended for use as a procedural or conceptual article.

History of this Maintenance Level or Fix

Displays the entire installation history of this update. This information consists of latest installation action and its completion status for the specified update since the current release of the software was installed on the system.

List of Dependents for this Maintenance Level or Fix

Lists all software products that are dependent upon a specified update. A dependent software product is one that requires the specified update to be installed BEFORE or at the same time it can be installed.

Information area

Displays the names, description, and ID information of the software products to be removed from the system. Once a software product is removed from the system, it cannot be retrieved. If you want to use it again, it must be reinstalled.

When you remove a software product, applied or committed software and all of its updates are deleted from the system. The software vital product data (SWVPD) information is changed to indicate that the product has been removed from the system. System configuration information for the product is also cleaned up, but this is dependent on the product and may not always be complete. If a previous version, release, or level of the product was installed on the system, the system will not resume using the previous version.

Information area

Displays the names and description of the updates to be rejected. When an update is rejected, it is deleted from the system, and the version of the software product immediately previous to the software being rejected becomes the currently active version of the product.

Once a software product is rejected, it cannot be retrieved. If you want to use that version of the product again, it must be reinstalled.

Information area

Displays the names and description of the updates to be committed. When an update is committed, you are making a commitment that previous versions of this product are not needed. All versions prior to the one you are committing are deleted.

Committing software has two effects. It frees up disk space that was used to store older versions of that software. It eliminates the possibility of being able to reject the update and and go back to the previous version.

Once the software is committed, you will have no way to retrieve previous versions. You must reinstall previous versions in order to use them.

Choose this option if you want to enable the processing of multi-volume CDs. The default is "yes".

Processing software from CD-ROM source may require filesets stored on other CD volumes. Setting this option to "yes" allows filesets on other CD volumes to be processed during the same session. If you set it to "no", even multi-volume CDs are seen as a single standalone CD, and filesets on other CD volumes cannot be accessed.

Specified directory for relocatable software.

Allows you to specify an install location directory where relocatable software will be installed and maintenance will be performed on relocatable and relocated software. Relocatable software is software that does not have to be installed into a specific location/directory.

Use the options on this menu to generate comparison reports, rename software images in a repository, and clean up software images in the repository that are no longer needed.

Generates comparison reports that can help you determine which updates are needed to bring the system or a fix repository to a certain level. You can select the following options:

This comparison allows you to generate the following report files:

This comparison allows you to generate the following report files:

This comparison allows you to generate the following report file: Filesets in the Fix Repository that are at a lower level than the latest levels available (lowerthanlatest2.rpt).

This comparison allows you to generate the following report files:

To run the report that determines which filesets on your system are at a lower level when compared to filesets in the fix repository, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the report that determines which filesets on your system are at a higher level when compared to filesets in the fix repository, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the report that determines which filesets in the fix repository, are not installed on your system, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the report that determines which filesets installed on your system do not have an update in the fix repository, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the two lower level reports that determine which filesets on your system are at a lower level when compared to the latest levels and the latest maintenance levels available from the support web site, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the report that determines which filesets on your system are at a higher level when compared to the available updates in the latest maintenance level, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To run the two lower level reports that determine which filesets on your system are at a lower level when compared to the latest levels and the latest maintenance levels available from the support web site, select "yes". The default is "yes".

Type the full path to the location of the image directory.

You have selected a report that uses a file that has been downloaded from the support web site containing a list of available updates. Type the full path location of the file.

The directory on your hard disk where the comparison reports will be stored. The default directory is /tmp. You can leave this field blank if you do not want to store the reports on your hard disk.

Copies to a directory on the hard disk software products that are in a system or user defined bundle and which you select from an installation media such as CD or tape. You can use the hard disk directory as the input device for future installations. The default directory is /usr/sys/inst.images.

The input device or directory that is the source of the software you are copying. The input device can be a tape, file system, CD-ROM, diskette drive, or a directory. Press the F4 key to display a list of the available input devices.

The software bundle from which you want to copy. A software bundle contains a list of software products available to install or copy. There are several system bundles and each bundle contains a list of software products that are suited for a particular use. Software is available for selecting if it is in the bundle you choose and on the installation media.

Press the F4 key to display a list of the software bundles. NOTE: Your installation media may not contain all software contained in the bundle.

Use this option to rename updates that have FIX ID number names to more readable file set names such as those generated when updates are copied to hard disk for future installation. All file sets in the indicated directory are renamed with the same format.

The input directory that is the source of the software you are renaming. Type the full path name of the input directory in this field when you specify a writable directory or mount point.

The location of the writable file that will be used to log the software name changes. This file is in the following format:


Use the options on this menu to remove unnecessary or duplicate software images from a local directory that acts as an image repository. You can remove duplicate software, superseded updates, and language software that is no longer needed.

The input directory that is the source of the software you are removing. Type the full path name of the input directory in this field when you specify a writable directory or mount point.

To list only the software images that you are removing, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To remove duplicate base and update images from the specified directory, select "yes". The default is "yes".

To remove superseded file sets from the specified directory, select "yes". This action applies only to update images. The default is "yes".

To remove language and locale file sets that are not needed on your system, select "yes". All language and locale file sets except the language specified in the "PRESERVE language" field will be removed from the specified directory. The default is "yes".

Choose which language to preserve in the specified directory. All language and locale software that is NOT of the language you specify in this field will be removed. The default system value, "$LANG", will be used to determine the language to preserve if you do not specify another language.

To save all removed files to the location specified below, select "yes". Select "yes" if you want to move the images to another location instead of removing them from the hard drive. The default is "no".

The name of the directory where the removed files are being saved. Information is required in this field only if you selected "yes" in the "Save removed files" field.

Allows the system to extend file systems when you save removed files during specified operations and more space is required during processing.

To extend file systems as necessary, select "yes". Once file system size is extended, it cannot be reduced. You must remove the entire file system. Make sure that you have plenty of hard disk space if you use this option.

To NOT extend file systems, especially if you have limited hard disk space, select "no". If you select "no" and the system runs out of disk space during processing, a system message displays.

Use the options on this menu to list, install, remove, and check emergency fixes (EFIXes).

You can select an emergency fix (EFIX) by the EFIX label, EFIX ID, or virtually unique ID (VUID). You can type the EFIX label or you can press the F4 key and select it from a list. To select an EFIX by its EFIX ID or VUID, press the F4 key and select it from a list.

The level of verbosity (detail) for the list operation. You can specify a verbosity level of 1, 2, or 3. Verbosity level 1 lists emergency fix (EFIX) ID, EFIX state, install time, and abstract. Verbosity level 2 lists all level 1 information and file related data. Verbosity level 3 lists all level 2 information, EFIX descriptions, and all detailed EFIX data.

Use this option to debug the EFIX Management utility. To run EFIX Management in debug mode, select "yes". To run EFIX Management without debug mode, select "no". The default is "no".

Specify the location of the emergency fix (EFIX) package to be installed or previewed. The EFIX package should be a file created with the epkg utility.

Specify the location of the list file containing emergency fix (EFIX) package locations. The file should contain the locations of packages created with the epkg utility (one per line). Blank lines or lines that start with "#" are ignored.

To run a preview of the install operation without actually installing the EFIX package, select "yes". To perform the actual install operation, select "no" .

Perform a "mount install" instead of the standard install. This means that the existing files that are being fixed will not be removed from their present locations. Instead, the emergency fix (EFIX) files will be mounted over the existing files.

Allows the system to extend file systems if more space is required during processing.

To extend file systems as necessary, select "yes". Once file system size is extended, it cannot be reduced. You must remove the entire file system. Make sure that you have plenty of hard disk space if you use this option.

To NOT extend file systems, especially if you have limited hard disk space, select "no". The operation may not succeed if there is not enough space.

To run a preview of the remove operation without removing the installed emergency fix (EFIX), select "yes". To perform the actual remove operation, select "no".

The verification level for the check operation. You can specify a verification level of 1, 2, or 3. Verification level 1 checks emergency fix (EFIX) data and state, mount status (if mount installed) for all files, and EFIX checksums for all files. Verification level 2 performs all level 1 checks and checks the EFIX ownership and mode for all EFIX files or archive members. Verification level 3 performs all level 2 checks and checks existing prerequisites for the given EFIX.

Service Update Management Assistant (SUMA) provides automated downloading of system and application patches and fixes.

Provides access to the most common SUMA tasks. These tasks include downloading an entire maintenance level, technology level, or service pack, as well as downloading all the latest fixes (the latest service pack on the TL specified in the FilterML).

Provides advanced options for downloading fixes from the fix server. This allows you to manage highly customized tasks so that you can specify exact behavior regarding requisites, filtering, and filesystem handling. You can also work with options for saving and scheduling tasks to run at later times.

Provides advanced options for configuring SUMA, including messaging, lppmgr, Internet, task defaults, and saved Email addresses.

Retrieves the fixes related to a single APAR. Your task defaults will be used to configure the download. The action will be set to "Download".

Retrieves fixes by type from the fix server. Supported types include "Security" and "Critical". "Critical" includes all "Security" fixes in addition to other essential fixes.

Retrieves an entire recommended maintenance level or technology level from the fix server. Your task defaults are used to filter redundant files, and other information.

NOTE: Large downloads can be very resource intensive in terms of bandwidth and disk space.

Retrieves all the latest fixes based on your task default settings. This returns the latest service pack on the TL specified in FilterML.

NOTE: Downloading all the latest fixes can be very resource intensive in terms of bandwidth and disk space.

Retrieves updates for a specific fileset (and any requisites indicated by the settings in your task defaults) from the fix server.

Specify a valid APAR number for which to search. All files related to the specified APAR will be downloaded.

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Specify the type of fix to download. All fixes of the specified type will be downloaded. Valid values include:

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Specify the recommended maintenance level or technology level to be downloaded. For example, 6100-03.

NOTE: Large downloads can be very resource intensive in terms of bandwidth and disk space.

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Specify the name of the fileset to be downloaded. For example, "bos.rte.install".

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Specify the level (V.R.M.F.) of the fileset to download. You can specify "latest" to search for the latest version applicable to your maintenance level.

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Provides options for creating, starting, scheduling, and saving a new custom SUMA task.

Provides options for modifying, starting, and rescheduling an existing saved or scheduled custom SUMA task.

Provides options for unscheduling tasks and also for removing saved task data from the database.

Displays all saved custom tasks in stanza form. All task data, including cron schedules, where applicable, are displayed.

Displays existing SUMA tasks. These are default settings that affect all new tasks and easy download actions. Changes that you make to these defaults are reflected in the starting values for the fields in the advanced panels. Changes do not affect tasks that are already saved or scheduled.

A short description of this task. This can be used as a reminder of the task's function when viewing multiple tasks or selecting one from a list.

The action to be performed. You can select the following:

The directory to which updates are downloaded. You can specify the following:

The type of item to request. This is used with the Name of item to request field:

The name of the item being requested. This is a required information when the type of item being requested is one of the following:

The request level can be specified only when the type of item being requested equals Fileset, Latest, Security, Critical, or APAR. When the type of item being requested is Fileset, you can type in this field the V.R.M.F. of the fileset being requested, such as ''. If this field is left blank, the latest level of the fileset will be requested.

When the type of item being requested is Latest, Security, Critical, or APAR, an optional technology level may be specified, such as '5300-04', to request fixes on the specified technology level without requiring a move to the next technology level, such as '5300-05'.

Indicates whether the fix server should include prerequisites and corequisites in the download list.

Indicates whether the fix server should include ifrequisites in the download list.

Indicates whether the fix server should replace superseded items with the superseding files. To cause SUMA to download exactly the version specified, select "no".

Indicates how PTFs in Error (PEs) and fixes known to cause regression should be handled when construction the download list:

An optional additional directory against which to filter downloads. Files that are found to exist in the specified directory are skipped and not downloaded.

The base recommended maintenance or technology level against which to filter downloads. The fix server uses this information to remove redundant files from the download list. The format of this field must match the output of the "oslevel -r" command, such as "5300-00". If you are downloading fixes for a different machine, you can specify that machine's maintenance or technology level.

The full path to a file containing the output of "lslpp -Lcq" or the system to filter against. You can specify "localhost" to perform filtering against this machine. On a NIM master, you can specify a NIM client name. Filesets listed in the file or found installed on the local host or NIM client system will not be downloaded. If filtering is not needed, you can specify "/dev/null".

The maximum cumulative size, in megabytes, of the files this task downloads. If SUMA determines that the downloads will exceed this limit, it performs a preview download instead. You can specify "-1" to indicate no upper limit.

Instructs the system to extend file systems if more space is needed during downloading.

Select "yes" to extend file systems as necessary, and if you have enough hard disk space. To preview the estimated amount of space required, set the "Action" field to "Preview".

Select "No" to not extend file systems, and if you do not have enough hard disk space. If you choose "no" and SUMA determines that more space is required, the operation will fail and a system message displays to inform you how much additional space is required.

The maximum total size, in megabytes, to which the filesystem in the "Directory for item storage" can be expanded. If SUMA determines that this task will require the filesystem to expand beyond this limit, it will perform a Preview download instead. This option is only required when you select "yes" in "Extend file systems if space needed". You can specify "-1" to indicate no upper limit. The filesystem will be expanded as necessary until all the physical disk space is used.

The schedule for this task, which uses the following crontab command format: minute hour day_of_month weekday command. You can specify the following values:

One or more Email addresses, separated by commas, to which notifications can be sent when a scheduled task is completed. If nothing is specified in this field, notifications are sent to "root".

The numeric ID of the task on which to perform an operation. You can select or specify this value.

To unschedule this task, and leave it in the database, select "yes". This allows you to reuse, modify, or reschedule the task at another time.

To unschedule this task and permanently remove it from the database, select "no".

Basic configuration options for SUMA, including messaging, lppmgr settings, Internet settings, and log settings.

Task defaults are settings that affect all new tasks and Easy download actions. Any changes made to these default settings do not affect tasks already saved or scheduled.

Provides options for managing cached notification Email addresses in task selection lists. When a new scheduled task is created, the currently specified Email address is copied into a separate database. When future scheduled tasks are created or edited, all saved Email addresses can be listed and selected by using the F4 key.

The level of console output for tasks that are not scheduled. You can select the following:

The level of message output to record in the log file /var/adm/ras/suma.log. You can select the following:

Specify the level of messaging to appear in Email sent by scheduled tasks:

For tasks whose action is "Download and Clean", indicates whether to remove superseded fileset updates. This corresponds to the -x flag of the lppmgr command.

For tasks whose action is "Download and Clean", indicates whether to remove duplicate base levels. This corresponds to the -b flag of the lppmgr command.

For tasks whose action is "Download and Clean", indicates whether to remove conflicting updates that have the same level as base images. This corresponds to the -u flag of the lppmgr command.

The Internet protocol to use when requesting fix lists from the fix server. Possible value is HTTPS (secure).

The Internet protocol to use when downloading files from the Internet. Possible values are Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), and Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS). The HTTP protocol takes advantage of multi-threaded performance and utilizes the download director protocol (ddp). The HTTPS protocol is single-threaded.

The maximum size, in megabytes, that a log file (such as /var/admn/ras/suma.log and suma_dl.log) is allowed to reach. When the limit is reached, a log file is renamed with a .bak extension, erasing any existing file by that name, and a new log file is started. The maximum amount of disk space consumed by log files is approximately four times the amount specified in this field.

Timeout, in seconds, to use for Internet requests. This applies for retrieving download lists from the fix server and for downloading the fixes.

Displays a list of all saved Email addresses.

Removes the specified Email address from the cache. Removed Email addresses will no longer display as a selection in any lists to which they once belonged.

Type or select the Email address to delete. This address will no longer display as a selection in any lists to which it once belonged.

Specifies the full path to the location of a previously-created mksysb image that can be used to create a bootable tape backup.

Specifies the full path to the location of the directory or the file system to be used as temporary space to create a bootable tape backup. The file system to be used as temporary space must have at least 100 MB of available disk space for the boot image creation. If you leave this field blank, the /tmp file system will be used. Using the -X expand option will not expand /tmp or the specified file system for the purpose of creating a boot image from an existing mksysb image.

Specifies whether mkszfile command should be called to generate / file. The / file contains information on volume groups, logical volumes, file systems, paging space, and physical volumes. This information is included in the backup for future use by the installation process. If / does not exist then one will be created irregardless of the setting of this option.

Retrieves an entire recommended service pack from the fix server. Your task defaults will be used to include requisites, filter redundant files, and other information.

NOTE: Large downloads can be very resource intensive in terms of bandwidth and disk space.

Specify the recommended service pack to download. For example, 6100-02-04.

NOTE: Large downloads can be very resource intensive in terms of bandwidth and disk space.

NOTE: Your task defaults may affect the specific behavior of this operation. You can view your task defaults under the fast path "suma_task_defaults".

Provides options for creating and managing thin servers and common OS images.

Allows for the creation and management of thin servers.

Allows for the creation and management of common OS images.

Adds a thin server (diskless or dataless) to the NIM environment. Each time a machine is added to the NIM environment, an entry representing the machine is added to the NIM database.

Switches a thin server to a different common OS image. The administrator has the option of allowing the thin server to switch over to a different common OS image now, at a specific time, or at the client's own convenience.

Displays information, such as status, software content and logs, about a specific thin server.

Boots a thin server using a debug common OS image.

Removes a thin server from the NIM environment.

Type the hostname or IP address of the machine that you want to be a thin server. This machine will be added to the NIM environment and to the NIM database.

Type the name of an existing common OS image or spot NIM resource to be used by the thin server to boot up and as its operating system.

Select 'local' to configure the thin server as a diskless NIM client. All filesystems and resources will be served from the NIM Master or resource server. Select 'remote' to configure the thin server as a dataless NIM client. The resources for paging and dump will be created from the physical or virtual block device on the thin server. All other resources will be served from the NIM Master or resource server.

Type the value for the paging size if it is greater than the default value of 64 MB.