whodo Command


Lists the jobs being performed by users on the system.


whodo [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -X ] [ User ]


Prints information on all processes for a terminal, as well as the child processes.

By default, the output generated by the command for each active logged user will contain name of the terminal, user ID, date login time. The output is headed by the date, time and machine name. This information is followed by a record of active processes associated with that user ID. Each record shows the terminal name, process-ID, CPU minutes and seconds used, and process name.


Item Description
-h Suppress the heading that is printed on the output.
-l Produce a long form of output. A summary of the current activity on the system is printed. The summary includes the following:
Who is logged on.
Name of the tty the user is on.
Time of day the user logged on.
Number of minutes since a program last attempted to read from the terminal.
System unit time used by all processes and their children on that terminal.
System unit time used by the currently active process.
Name and parameters of the current process.
The heading line of the summary shows the current time of day, how long the system has been up, the number of users logged into the system.
-X Prints all available characters of each user name instead of truncating to the first 8 characters. The user name is also moved to the last column of the output.


Item Description
User Limits output to all sessions pertaining to the user specified with User. More than one user name cannot be specified at a time.

Exit Status

The command completed successfully.
An error occurred.


  1. When the whodo command is invoked on host "linguist" without any flags or parameters, the output looks similar to the following:
    Sun Jul 28 16:27:12 2002
    lft0	jeffg	8:15
             ?	4136	 0:00	dtlogin
             ?	3408	 4:55	dtsession
             ?	2072	 4:37	dtwm
             ?	17310	 0:00	dtexec
             ?	20904	 5:53	dtterm
         pts/0	22454	 0:00	ksh
         pts/0	4360	 0:07	ksh
         pts/0	25788	 0:00	whodo
             ?	23672	 0:00	dtexec
             ?	27536	 0:00	dtterm
         pts/3	21508	 0:00	ksh
             ?	23888	 0:00	dtexec
             ?	24384	 2:49	dtterm
         pts/2	24616	 0:00	ksh
         pts/2	25002	 0:04	ksh
         pts/2	26110	 0:00	ksh
             ?	25276	 0:00	dtexec
             ?	27090	 0:31	dtterm
         pts/1	24232	 0:00	ksh
         pts/1	23316	 0:01	ksh
             ?	12566	 4:23	dtfile
             ?	21458	 1:35	dtfile
    pts/0	jeffg	8:16
         pts/0	22454	 0:00	ksh
         pts/0	4360	 0:07	ksh
         pts/0	25788	 0:00	whodo
    pts/1	jeffg	17:8
         pts/1	24232	 0:00	ksh
         pts/1	23316	 0:01	ksh
    pts/2	jeffg	17:20
         pts/2	24616	 0:00	ksh
         pts/2	25002	 0:04	ksh
         pts/2	26110	 0:00	ksh
    pts/3	root	16:26
         pts/3	21508	 0:00	ksh
  2. The command whodo -l on the host linguist produces the following output:
      04:33PM   up 20 day(s), 22 hr(s), 51 mins(s)  5 user(s)
    User     tty          login@       idle      JCPU      PCPU what
    jeffg    lft0        08Jul02   21day(s)                     /usr/sbin/getty /de
    jeffg    pts/0       08Jul02                14:00         7 whodo -l 
    jeffg    pts/1       16Jul02   10day(s)        44         9 /usr/bin/ksh 
    jeffg    pts/2       12Jul02         11      8:39         4 /usr/bin/ksh 
    root     pts/3       04:26PM          7                     -ksh 
  3. The command whodo -lX on the host kq11 produces the following output:
      12:50AM   up 3 day(s),  1 hr(s), 41 mins(s)  4 user(s)
     tty          login@       idle      JCPU      PCPU what             User
     tty0        Wed11PM    2day(s)                     -ksh             root
     pts/0       12:12AM                                tn 0             root
     pts/1       12:20AM                                whodo -lX        long_username_greater_than_eight_characters
     pts/2       Fri05AM    2day(s)                     -ksh             root


Item Description
/usr/sbin/whodo Contains the whodo command.
/etc/utmp Contains the list of users.