inurecv Command


Recovers files saved by the inusave command.


inurecv ProductName [ OptionList ]


The inurecv command recovers files and archive constituent files saved from a previous inusave command. It uses the update.list and archive.list files from the directory specified by the INUSAVEDIR environment variable. The inurecv command recovers files saved by program-provided installation or update procedures.

The inurecv command is primarily called by the installp -r command and the installp -C command to recover the files for a rejected program or a program that needs to be cleaned up.

The inurecv command is used to recover all the files for an installable program by separate calls to inurecv for the root, /usr, and /usr/share file trees. The save directories for the root, /usr, and /usr/share parts of an installation are:

respectively, when set up by the installp command. Level refers to the level of the software product and has the format of vv.rr.mmmm.ffff.ppppppppp, where vv = version, rr = release, mmmm = modification, ffff = fix, and ppppppppp = fix ID (only for Version 3.2 images).


Item Description
OptionList Specifies the full path name of a stanza file that contains the names of the separately installable options, such as bosnet.tcp.obj, that are to be recovered for the ProductName software product. The option names in the OptionList file must be specified one per line.
ProductName Specifies the installable software product, such as bosnet, whose files are to be recovered.

Environment Variables

Item Description
INUEXPAND This flag is set to 1 by the installp command if file systems are to be expanded if necessary to do the recover (that is, the -X flag was passed to installp). It is set to 0 if file systems are not to be expanded. If this environment variable is not set, the default is not to expand file systems.
INUSAVE This flag is set to 1 by the installp command if files are to be saved (that is, the -N flag was not passed), and otherwise set to 0. The inurecv command attempts to recover files if INUSAVE is set to 1. If INUSAVE is set to 0, inurecv performs no recovery and exits with a return code of INUGOOD. If this environment variable is not set, the default is to attempt to recover files.
INUSAVEDIR The full path name to the directory where files are saved. If this environment variable is not set, then the directory used is /usr/lpp/ProductName/
ODMDIR The Object Data Manager object repository where the software vital product data is saved. If this environment variable is not set, the default directory used is /etc/objrepos.

Error Codes

Item Description
INUBADC1 A copy of a file from one directory to another was unsuccessful.
INUGOOD No error conditions occurred.
INUNORP1 Unsuccessful replacement of a file in an archive file during program recovery.
INUNOSAV The save directory does not exist.
INUNOSVF A file that was saved in the save directory was not found.


Privilege Control: Only the root user can run this command.

Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


To recover all files previously saved for the snaserv program, enter:

inurecv snaserv


Files saved for the root file tree.
Files saved for the /usr file tree.
Files saved for the /usr/share file tree.