I have been using your redhat hosting for quite some time because you provided free MYSQL services. :rolleyes:
It was completely fine at the beginning, but now, when my forum database (I am using your redhat hosting and the forum program was phpBB 2.0.10) grew up to about 220KB, something terrible happened. The loading speed is terribly slow, ranging from at least 15 seconds to about 1 minute. Also, the little icons (e.g. this one -> ) loading slowly. It is especially annoying when a lot of them are displayed (just like the screen now. on the left, there are a lot of smilies)
Can anything be done about it, no matter by me or by you? I know that providing free service for MYSQL is not easy, but I do hope that the loading speed could be improved.
Or does switching the hosting server (still stay at polarhome, coz I feel good of the service ) to e.g. mandrake help? thanks :rolleyes: