bootptab File Format


Default configuration database for the Internet Boot Protocol server (bootpd).


The bootpd configuration file contains entries for clients that use the bootpd daemon to get boot information. This file may be modified using the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to configure a Diskless client or the file may be modified manually.

The client host information consists of case-sensitive tag symbols used to represent host parameters. These host parameter declarations are separated by : (colon). For example:
Specifies the name of a BOOTP client. This must always be the first field in the entry.

The bootpd daemon attempts to send the entire host name as it is specified in this field. However, if the host name does not fit into the reply packet, the name is shortened to the host field (up to the first period, if present) and tried again. An arbitrarily truncated host name is never sent. If nothing reasonable fits, nothing is sent.

Guidelines and Restrictions