wump Command


Starts the hunt the wumpus game.




A wumpus is a creature living in a cave with many rooms interconnected by tunnels. You move among the rooms trying to shoot the wumpus with an arrow and trying to avoid being eaten by the wumpus or falling into bottomless pits. There are also super bats that may pick you up and drop you in some randomly selected room. For moving among the rooms and shooting arrows, the game prompts you with appropriate questions and follows your instructions. For example:

You are in room 14.
I feel a draft.
There are tunnels to 1 13 18.
Move or shoot? (m-s) m
Which room? 1
You are in room 1.
I feel a draft.
There are tunnels to 14 17 18.
Move or shoot? (m-s) m
Which room? 17
You are in room 17.
You fell into a pit!
Another game? (y-n)

In the above example, you start out in room 14. The computer displays I feel a draft. This is the hint that a pit is nearby. You choose to move to room 1. Again you are warned of the pit. You then choose to move to room 17 where you fall into a pit and die.

At the beginning of the game, you are prompted Instructions? (y-n). Choosing y provides an explanation of the warnings, how to move, and how to shoot.

The game ends and you are prompted Another game? (y-n) if:

To quit the game at any time, press the interrupt (Ctrl-C) key sequence.


Item Description
/usr/games Contains the location of the system's games.