vsdatalst Command


vsdatalst – Displays virtual shared disk subsystem information.


vsdatalst {-g | -n | -v | -c}


Use this command to display one of several kinds of information to standard output.

You can use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) to run the vsdatalst command. To use SMIT, enter:

smit list_vsd

and select the option for the kind of virtual shared disk SDR information you want to see.


Only one of the following flags can be specified with each invocation of vsdatalst:
Displays the following global volume group data:
  • global_group_name,
  • local_group_name,
  • primary_server_node,
  • secondary_server_node. (This is only enabled with the Recoverable virtual shared disk subsystem.)
  • eio_recovery
  • recovery
  • CVSD server_list
Displays the following Node data:
  • node_number,
  • host_name,
  • adapter_name,
  • min_buddy_buffer_size,
  • max_buddy_buffer_size,
  • max_buddy_buffers.
Displays the following definition data:
  • vsd_name,
  • logical_volume_name,
  • global_group_name,
  • minor_number.
Displays the following cluster information:
  • node_number
  • cluster_name




You must have root authority to run this command.

Exit Status

Indicates the successful completion of the command.
Indicates that an error occurred.


You must issue this command from a node that is online in the peer domain. To bring a peer domain online, use the startrpdomain command. To bring a particular node online in an existing peer domain, use the startrpnode command. For more information on creating and administering an RSCT peer domain, refer to the RSCT: Administration Guide.

Standard Output

Current RVSD subsystem run level.


  1. To display global volume group date, enter:
    vsdatalst -g
    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    VSD Global Volume Group Information
                                                    Server Node Numbers
    Global Volume Group name   Local VG name   primary   backup eio_recovery  recovery  server_list  vsd_type
    ------------------------    ------------   -------   ------ ------------  --------  -----------  --------
    gpfs0gvg                     gpfs0vg         1         2          0          0        0            VSD
    gpfs1gvg                     gpfs1vg         2         1          0          0        0            VSD
    gpfs3gvg                     gpfs3vg         1         0          0          0        1:2          CVSD
  2. To display global volume group date, enter:
    vsdatalst -n
    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    VSD Node Information
                                                   Buddy Buffer
      node                 VSD      IP packet minimum maximum # maxbufs
    number host_name       adapter    size     size    size
    ------ --------------- -------- --------- ------- ------- ---------
         1 host1            ml0       61440    4096   262144    128
         2 host2            ml0       61440    4096   262144    128
  3. To display global volume group date, enter:
    vsdatalst -v
    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    VSD Table
    VSD name                        logical volume  Global Volume Group             minor# size_in_MB
    ------------------------------- --------------- ------------------------------- ------ ----------
    gpfs0vsd                        gpfs0lv         gpfs0gvg                             3 4096
    gpfs1vsd                        gpfs1lv         gpfs1gvg                             1 4096
    gpfs3vsd                        gpfs3lv         gpfs3gvg                             4 4096

