strings Command


Finds the printable strings in a file.


strings [ -a ] [ - ] [ -o ] [ -t Format ] [ -n Number ] [ -Number ] [ File ... ]


The strings command looks for printable strings in a file. A string is any sequence of 4 or more printable characters that end with a new-line or a null character. The strings command is useful for identifying random object files.


Item Description
-a or - Searches the entire file, not just the data section, for printable strings. If this flag is omitted, the strings command only looks in the initialized data space of object files.
-n Number Specifies a minimum string length other than the default of 4 characters. The maximum value of a string length is 4096. This flag is identical to the -Number flag.
-o Lists each string preceded by its octal offset in the file. This flag is identical to the -t o flag.
-t Format Lists each string preceded by its offset from the start of the file. The format is dependent on the character used as the Format variable.
Writes the offset in decimal.
Writes the offset in octal.
Writes the offset in hexadecimal.
Note: When the -o and the -t Format flags are defined more than once on a command line, the last flag specified controls the behavior of the strings command.
-Number Specifies a minimum string length other than the default of 4 characters. The maximum value of a string length is 4096. This flag is identical to the -n Number flag.
File Binary or object file to be searched.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

Item Description
0 Specifies that the command ran successfully.
>0 Specifies that an error occurred.


  1. To search a file, enter:
    strings strings
    The string command displays:
    1.17 com/cmd/scan/strings.c, cdmscan, bos320 5/7/92 10:21:20
    Standard input
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
  2. To search for strings at least 12 characters long, enter:
    strings -12 strings
    The string command displays:
    1.17 com/cmd/scan/strings.c, cdmscan, bos320 5/7/92 10:21:20
    Standard input
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
  3. To search for strings at least 20 characters long and show the offset in hexadecimal, enter:
    strings -t x -n 20 strings
    The string command displays:
    1017 1.17 com/cmd/scan/strings.c, cmdscan, bos320 5/7/92 10:21:20
    108c Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    10d8 Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    1124 Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    1170 Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]
    11bc Usage: strings [-a | -] [-o] [-t format] [-n | -#] [file...]