repl Command


Replies to a message.


repl+Folder ] [  -draftfolder +Folder -nodraftfolder ] [  Message ] [  -draftmessageMessage ] [  -annotate-noinplace -inplace ] |  -noannotate ] [  -cc Names... ] [  -nocc Names... ] [  -query -noquery ] [  -fcc +Folder ] [  -form FormFile ] [  -editor Editor -noedit ] [  -format -noformat ] [  -filter File ] [  -width Number ] [  -whatnowproc Program -nowhatnowproc ]


The repl command starts an interface enabling you to compose a reply to a message. By default, the command drafts a reply to the current message in the current folder. If you do not specify the -draftfolder flag, or if the Draft-Folder: entry in the $HOME/.mh_profile file is undefined, the repl command searches your MH directory for a draft file. If you specify a folder, that folder becomes the current folder.

When you enter the repl command, the system places the To:, cc:, and In-Reply-To: fields in the draft and prompts you to enter the text of the reply. To exit the editor, press Ctrl-D. After exiting the editor, the repl command starts the MH whatnow command. You can see a list of available whatnow subcommands by pressing the Enter key at the What now? prompt. With these subcommands, you can re-edit, list, and send a reply, or end the processing of the repl command.

Note: A line of dashes or a blank line must be left between the header and the body of the message for the message to be identified when it is sent.

The repl command uses the definitions in the /etc/mh/replcomps file to format the reply message. You can create a replcomps file in your MH directory or use the -form flag to define an alternate reply format. To leave a copy of the original message in the reply message, use the -filter flag.

To annotate the original message with redistribution information, use the -annotate flag. This flag annotates the original message with the Resent: field and the current date and time. A message is annotated only if you send the reply before you exit repl command processing.


Item Description
-annotate Annotates the message being replied to with the time and date of the reply. You can use the -inplace flag to preserve links to an annotated message.
-cc Names Specifies the users who will be listed in the cc: field of the reply. You can specify the following variables for Names: all, to, cc, and me. The default is -cc all.
-draftfolder +Folder Places the draft message in the specified folder. If +Folder is not specified, then Current-Folder is assumed.
-draftmessage Message Specifies the draft message. If you specify -draftfolder without the -draftmessage flag, the default message is new. If you specify this flag without the -draftfolder flag, the system creates the draft in the default file, UserMHdirectory/draft.
-editor Editor Identifies the initial editor for composing the reply. If you do not specify the -editor flag, the comp command selects the default editor specified by the Editor: entry in your $HOME/.mh_profile file.
-fcc +Folder Places a file copy of the reply in the specified folder. If you do not specify this flag, the repl command will not produce a file copy.
-filter File Reformats the message being replied to and places the reformatted message in the body of the reply. You must specify a File variable with this flag. The -filter flag uses the format file acceptable to the mhl command.
+Folder Identifies the folder that contains the message to reply to. If a folder is not specified, then Current-Folder is used.
-form FormFile Specifies a reply format. The repl command treats each line in the specified format file as a format string.
-format Removes duplicate addresses from the To:, cc:, and Bcc: fields and standardizes these fields using the columns specified by the -width flag. The -format flag indicates if Internet style is to be used, which serves as the default.
-help Lists the command syntax, available switches (toggles), and version information.
Note: For MH, the name of this flag must be fully spelled out.
-inplace Forces annotation to be done in place in order to preserve links to the annotated message.
Message Specifies a message. If you specify both a message to reply to and a message draft, you must use the -draftmessge flag. Use the following to define a message:
Number of the message.
cur or . (period)
Current message. The default reply message.
First message in a folder.
Last message in a folder.
New message that is created. The default draft message is new.
Message following the current message.
Message preceding the current message.
-noannotate Prevents annotation. This flag is the default.
-nocc Names Allows you to specify the users who will not be listed in the cc: field of the reply. You can specify the following for Names: all, to, cc, and me.
-nodraftfolder Places the draft in the file UserMhDirectory/draft.
-noedit Suppresses the initial edit.
-noformat Suppresses both removal of duplicate addresses from the To:, cc:, and Bcc: fields, and standardization of these fields.
-noinplace Prevents annotation in place. This flag is the default.
-noquery Automatically builds the To: and cc: fields. This flag is the default.
-nowhatnowproc Prevents interactive processing for the repl command. This flag prevents editing.
-query Queries you for permission to include each address in the To: and cc: fields.
-whatnowproc Program Starts the specified command string as the program to guide you through the reply tasks. The default is the whatnow program.
-width Number Sets the width of the address fields. The default is 72 columns.

Profile Entries

The following entries are entered in the UserMhDirectory/.mh_profile file:

Item Description
Alternate-Mailboxes: Specifies the mailboxes.
Current-Folder: Sets the default current folder.
Draft-Folder: Sets the default folder for drafts.
Editor: Sets the default editor.
fileproc: Specifies the program used to refile messages.
mhlproc: Specifies the program used to filter the message for which you are creating a reply.
Msg-Protect: Sets the protection level for the new message files.
Path: Specifies the user's MH directory.
whatnowproc: Specifies the program used to prompt What now? questions.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX® users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To reply to the current message in the current folder, enter:
    The system responds with text similar to the following:
    To: patrick@venus
    cc: tom@thomas
    Subject: Re: Meeting on Monday
    In-reply-to: (Your message of Thu, 21 Jul 88 13:39:34 CST.)
    You can now enter your reply. When you finish entering the body of your reply, press the Ctrl-D key sequence to exit the editor. The system responds with the following:
    What now?
    Enter send to send the reply. If you want to see a list of subcommands, press the Enter key. In this example, you are sending a reply to the current message in the current folder.
  2. To send a reply to message 4 in the inbox folder, enter:

    repl  +inbox 4

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    To: dawn@chaucer
    cc: jay@venus
    Subject: Re: Status Report
    In-reply-to: (Your message of Thu, 21 Jul 88 13:39:34 CST.)
    You can now enter your reply. When you finish entering the body of your reply, press the Ctrl-D key sequence to exit the editor. The system responds with the following:
    What now?
    Enter send to send the reply. If you want to see a list of subcommands, press the Enter key.
  3. To keep track of your reply to the current message in the current folder, use the -annotate flag to place a copy of the date and time in the message you are replying to, as follows:

    repl  -annotate

    The system responds with a message similar to the following:
    To: patrick@venus
    cc: tom@thomas
    Subject: Re: Meeting on Friday
    In-reply-to: (Your message of Mon, 17 Apr 89 13:39:34 CST.)
    You can now enter your reply. When you finish entering the body of your reply, press the Ctrl-D key sequence to exit the editor. The system responds with the following:
    What now?
    Enter send to send the reply. If you quit the editor without sending the reply, the annotation does not occur.


Item Description
$HOME/.mh_profile Specifies the user's MH profile.
/etc/mh/replcomps Contains the MH default reply template.
UserMhDirectory/replcomps Contains the user's default reply form.
/usr/bin/repl Contains the repl command.
UserMhDirectory/draft Contains the current message draft.