mklost+found Command


Creates a lost and found directory for the fsck command.




The mklost+found command creates a lost and found directory in the current directory. A number of empty files are created within the lost and found directory and then removed so that there are empty slots for the fsck command. The fsck command reconnects any orphaned files and directories by placing them in the lost and found directory with an assigned i-node number. The mklost+found command is not normally needed, since the fsck command automatically creates the lost and found directory when a new file system is created.


To make a lost+found directory for the fsck command, enter:



/usr/sbin/mklost+found Contains the mklost+found command.

Related Information

The fsck command, mkfs command.

The Directories in Operating system and device management.

The Files in Operating system and device management.

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