lsslot Command


Displays dynamically reconfigurable slots, such as hot plug slots, and their characteristics.


lsslot -c ConnectorType [ -a | -o | -l DeviceName | -s Slot ] [ -F Delimiter ]


The lsslot command displays all the specified hot plug slots and their characteristics. Hot plug slots are the plug-in points for connecting entities that can be added and removed from the system without turning the system power off or rebooting the operating system. The -c flag is required. It specifies the type of hot plug connector, for example, pci for hot pluggable PCI adapters. You can display only the empty, that is, available, hot plug slots with the -a flag, the occupied slots with the -o flag, or a specific slot by using the -s flag. The -l flag can be used to locate the slot associated with specified DeviceName, as listed by the lsdev command.

The lsslot command is used to list the connectors which are connection points for either physical entities like PCI adapters or logical entities like logical slots or logical host-Ethernet adapter ports. The command can list the following types of connectors:
  • pci: a physical connector
  • slot: a logical connector
  • phb: a logical connector
  • port: a logical connector
The -a and the -o flags will be ignored for the logical connectors. The lsslot command in the case of the logical connectors displays the logical entities that are currently assigned to the partition, depending upon the connector type specified. When there are multiple slots under a PHB, a logical slot entity can be associated with a logical slot connector. Otherwise, it can be associated with a logical PHB connector. You can run the lsslot -c slot command and the lsslot -c phb command to view all logical slot entities.

The output of the lsslot command is dependent on the ConnectorType and the platform on which the command is executed. The characteristics of a slot may include the following:

When the PHBs are listed using the lsslot command, the Device(s) Connected column will display the ODM name of the PHB followed by the ODM names of the devices corresponding to the logical slots underneath the PHB, with all the ODM devices associated with each logical slot displayed on each separate line under the ODM name of the PHB. In case there is no ODM name for the PHB, a blank line will be displayed.


Item Description
-a Displays available hot plug slots and their characteristics. Available slots are those slots that do not have a hot plug device connected. This flag is ignored for connector types of slot and phb.
-c ConnectorType Displays the slots of the specified ConnectorType. ConnectorType identifies the type of connector. For example, the ConnectorType for a hot plug PCI slot is pci, for logical slots, it is slot and for PHBs, it is phb. This flag is required.
-F Delimiter Specifies a single character to delimit the output. The heading is not displayed and the columns are delimited by the Delimiter character.
-l DeviceName Displays the characteristics of the slot to which DeviceName is associated. The DeviceName is the logical device name of the device connected to the slot, as listed by the lsdev command.
-o Displays the characteristics of the occupied slots. Occupied slots have a hot plug device connected. This flag is ignored for connector types of slot and phb.
-s Slot Displays characteristics for the specified Slot. The format of Slot is platform/connector_type dependent.


  1. To list the available PCI hot plug slots, enter:

    lsslot -c pci -a

    The system displays a message similar to the following:

    Item Description
    Slot name Description Device(s) Connected
    U0.4-P1-I1 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot empty
    U0.4-P1-I2 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot empty
    U0.4-P1-I3 PCI 64 bit, 66MHz, 3.3 volt slot empty
  2. To list the PCI hot plug slot associated with a scsi adapter named scsi1, enter:

    lsslot -c pci -l scsi1

    The system displays a message similar to the following:

    Item Description
    Slot name Description Device(s) Connected
    U0.4-P1-I1 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 5 volt slot scsi1
  3. To list all the PCI hot plug slots, enter:

    lsslot -c pci

    The system displays a message similar to the following:

    Item Description
    Slot name Description Device(s) Connected
    U0.4-P1-I1 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 3.3 volt slot empty
    U0.4-P1-I2 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 3.3 volt slot scsi0
    U0.4-P1-I3 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 3.3 volt slot unknown
    U0.4-P1-I5 PCI 64 bit, 33MHz, 3.3 volt slot empty

    Slots that have unknown in the Device(s) Connected column have a device connected to the slot, but the device isn't in the ODM customized device (CuDv) database. This can be due to the device having been newly added but not configured yet, deleted with the rmdev -d command, or the system may not be installed with the software packages associated with the device.

  4. To list all the PCI Host Bridges that are assigned to the partition, enter:
    lsslot -c phb
    This displays output similar to the following:
    PHB Name         Description                    Device(s) Connected
    PHB 1            Logical PCI Host Bridge        pci0 
                                                    pci2 scsi1 
    PHB 2            Logical PCI Host Bridge        pci1 
                                                    pci4 scsi2 
  5. In case the PCI Host Bridge is assigned to the partition but has no ODM data, column will show blank as shown in this example. For example, when you enter:
    lsslot -c phb
    The output will look similar to the following:
    PHB Name         Description               Device(s) Connected
    PHB 4            Logical PCI Host Bridge
    PHB 5            Logical PCI Host Bridge
  6. To list all the logical host-Ethernet adapter-port devices that are assigned to the partition, enter:
    lsslot  -c port
    Item Description
    LHEA port name Description Device(s) Connected
    Port 1 Logical HEA Port ent4
    Port 2 Logical HEA Port ent7
    When the logical host-Ethernet adapter port is assigned to the partition but has no ODM data, the column shows Unknown as shown in the example:
    lsslot  -c port
    Item Description
    LHEA port name Description Device(s) Connected
    Port 4 Logical HEA Port Unknown
    Port 5 Logical HEA Port Unknown


Item Description