lsfs Command


Displays the characteristics of file systems.


lsfs [ -q ] [ -c | -l ] [ -a | -v VfsType | -u MountGroup| [FileSystem...] ]


The lsfs command displays characteristics of file systems, such as mount points, automatic mounts, permissions, and file system size. The FileSystem parameter reports on a specific file system. The following subsets can be queried for a listing of characteristics:

The lsfs command displays additional Journaled File System (JFS) or Enhanced Journaled File System (JFS2) characteristics if the -q flag is specified.

You can use a Web-based System Manager File Systems application (wsm fs fast path) to run this command. You could also use the System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) smit lsfs fast path to run this command.


Item Description
-a Lists all file systems (default).
-c Specifies that the output should be in colon format.
-l Specifies that the output should be in list format.
-q Displays additional Journaled File System (JFS) or Enhanced Journaled File System (JFS2) characteristics specific to the file system type.

This information is not reported for other virtual file system types. It is displayed in addition to other file system characteristics reported by the lsfs command.

-u MountGroup Reports on all file systems of a specified mount group.
-v VfsType Reports on all file systems of a specified type.


  1. To show all file systems in the /etc/filesystems file, enter:
  2. To show all file systems of vfs type jfs, enter:

    lsfs  -v jfs

  3. To show the file system size, the fragment size, the compression algorithm (if any), and the number of bytes per i-node as recorded in the superblock of the root file system, enter:

    lsfs  -q /


Item Description
/etc/filesystems Lists the known file systems and defines their characteristics.