lsconn Command


Displays the connections a given device, or kind of device, can accept.


lsconn { -p ParentName | [ -c ParentClass ] [ -s ParentSubclass ] [ -t ParentType ] } { -l ChildName | -k ChildConnectionKey } [ -f File ] [ -F Format ] [ -h ] [ -H ]


The lsconn command, when used with the -p ParentName flag, displays the connection locations on the parent device to which the device specified by the -l ChildName flag can be connected, or to which devices of the connection type specified by the -k ChildConnectionKey flag can be connected. If the -k and -l flags are not used, the lsconn command displays information about where a child device can be connected on the specified parent.

If the -p ParentName flag is not used, you must use a combination of one or all of the -c ParentClass, -s ParentSubclass, and -t ParentType flags to uniquely identify the predefined parent device.

You can display the default output, which is the connection location (or connection location and connection key if no child is specified), from the Predefined Connection object class. If you do not display the default, you can display the output in a user-specified format where the Format parameter is a quoted list of column names separated by nonalphanumeric characters or white space using the -F Format flag. You can insert headers above the columns using the -H flag.

Use the flags either on the command line or in the specified -f File flag.


Item Description
-c ParentClass Specifies the class name of a possible parent device in the Predefined Devices object class. This flag cannot be used with the -p flag.
-f File Reads the necessary flags from the File parameter.
-F Format Formats the output in a user-specified format, where the Format parameter is a quoted list of column names from the Predefined Connection object class separated, and possibly terminated, by non-alphanumeric characters or white space. If white space id used as the separator, the lsconn command displays the output in aligned columns.
-H Displays headers above the column output.
-h Displays the command usage message.
-k ChildConnectionKey Specifies the connection key that identifies the subclass of the child device. This flag cannot be used with the -l flag.
-l ChildName Specifies the logical name of a possible child device. This flag cannot be used with the -k flag.
-p ParentName Specifies the parent device's logical name from the Customized Devices object class. This flag cannot be used with the -c, -s, or -t flag.
-s ParentSubclass Specifies the subclass of a possible parent device in the Predefined Devices object class. This flag cannot be used with the -p flag.
-t ParentType Specifies the device type of a possible parent device from the Predefined Devices object class. This flag cannot be used with the -p flag.


Attention RBAC users and Trusted AIX users: This command can perform privileged operations. Only privileged users can run privileged operations. For more information about authorizations and privileges, see Privileged Command Database in AIX® Version 7.1 Security. For a list of privileges and the authorizations associated with this command, see the lssecattr command or the getcmdattr subcommand.


  1. To list all of the possible connection locations on the sa2 IBM® 8-Port EIA-232/RS-422A (PCI) Adapter that will accept an RS-232 device connection, type the following:
    lsconn -p sa2 -k rs232
    The system displays a possible connections similar to the following:
  2. To list all of the possible connection locations and connection types on the sa2 IBM 8-Port EIA-232/RS-422A (PCI) Adapter, type the following:
    lsconn -p sa2
    The system displays a message similar to the following:
    0 rs232
    1 rs232
    2 rs232
    3 rs232
    4 rs232
    5 rs232
    6 rs232
    7 rs232
    0 rs422
    1 rs422
    2 rs422
    3 rs422
    4 rs422
    5 rs422
    6 rs422
    7 rs422


Item Description
/usr/sbin/lsconn Specifies the command file.