dslpsearch Command


Search directory for print system objects on a System V print subsystem.


dslpsearch [ -q [ -p ] ] | [ -P ] [ -o SearchOptions ]


The dslpsearch command allows users and administrators to search the directory for print system objects. For example, a user could search for any printer that can print color PostScript files. The main use of this command will be to search for print queues that match the search string.

The dslpsearchcommand returns the Distinguished Name (DN) of any objects that match the search string. However, the Relative Distinguished Name (RDN®) is required for use in the other directory-enabled commands. For example, if the DN "cn=testqueue,ou=printq,ou=print,cn=aixdata" is returned by the dslpsearch command, only the RDN "testqueue" is used to refer to the print queue.


Item Description
-q Search for print queues that match the search options. The search is done on the physical printer objects but the print queues that service those printers are displayed. This is the default search type. The -q option cannot be specified with -P.
-p This option is used with the -q option, and causes a list of physical printers servicing the print queue also to be displayed.
-P Search for physical printers that match the search string. The -P option cannot be specified with -q.
-o SearchOptions Multiple search options may form a comma-separated list. Each option may be constructed from the following:
  • one or more of the following Page Description Languages (PDLs): AUTOSW, PCL, PCLXL, POSTSCRIPT, TEXT, ESCP, PJL, SIMPLE, OTHER
  • any of the following printer facilities: COLOR, DUPLEX, TRAYS, FINISH
  • one or more physical printer locations, specified by location=xxxxxxxx or location='aaaa bbbbb'
  • The string value defined by location= is searched on with wildcards placed at both ends of the string, so location=Room1 would find any printer with "Room1" in its location, such as "Building X, Room1, Bay6". The string value can also have wildcards (*) embedded in it, for example location="Building X*Bay6". Multiple location values are OR'd in the search.
  • The following are valid command lines containing search strings:
    dslpsearch -q -o PCL,ESCP,location=room2,COLOR
    dslpsearch -q -p -o "PS, location='Building 1, Room1', DUPLEX"

Exit Status

Indicates success.
Indicates invalid options.
Indicates that the search on the directory tree failed.
Indicates invalid directory context.
Indicates the command is unable to contact the directory service.


  1. The following command line searches for any print queues that match the search options:
    dslpsearch -q -o search-options
  2. The following searches for any physical printers that match the search options:
    dslpsearch -P -o search-options