dhcpcd6 Daemon


Implements a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6) client. Obtains IPv6 addresses and configuration information for an IPv6 node from DHCPv6 server.


To Start a DHCPv6 Client by Using the System Resource Controller:

startsrc -s dhcpcd6 [ -a Argument ] ...

To Start a DHCPv6 Client without Using the System Resource Controller:

dhcpcd6 [-f ConfigurationFileName] [-u Client_duid_File] [-p ClientPort] [-t SolicitTimeout]


The dhcpcd6 daemon implements a DHCPv6 client by setting up IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) addresses and other parameters by using the DHCPv6 protocol.

The dhcpcd6 daemon is normally started by the /etc/rc.net file that normally runs at boot time. By default, this is commented out and not run on machine startup. The dhcpcd6 daemon runs in the background while the system is up.

The dhcpcd6 daemon reads its configuration file and attempts to bring up and get one or more IPv6 addresses and other configuration options for the interfaces specified within the configuration file. The addresses obtained from the server are renewed as mandated by the server.

When a DHCPv6 client does not need to have a DHCPv6 server assign it IPv6 addresses, the client can obtain only configuration information such as a list of available DNS servers or NTP servers. This is useful when the node is configured with static addresses.

The refresh command can be used to cause the dhcpcd6 daemon to reread the configuration file. A SIGHUP may also be used to get the same response.

The default dhcpcd6 configuration file is /etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.cnf. It contains logging and network interface information.


Item Description
-f ConfigurationFileName Specifies the configuration file to be used. Default is /etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.cnf.
-p ClientPort Specifies the client port to be used. Default is 546.
-t SolicitTimeout Specifies the time until the client solicits configuration information from the server before exiting.
-u Client_duid_File Specifies the client identifier file to be used. Default is /etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.duid.

Exit Status

This command returns the following exit values:

Item Description
0 Successful completion.
>0 An error occurred.


Access Control: You must have root authority to run this command.


  1. To start the DHCPv6 client with the configuration file dhcpcd6.cnf located in /usr/local, type:
    startsrc -s dhcpcd6 -a "-f /usr/local/dhcpcd6.cnf"




Item Description
/usr/sbin/dhcpcd6 Contains the dhcpv6 client daemon.
/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.cnf Contains the default configuration file.
/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.db Contains the client lease file. This file is created by the client daemon and is not configurable.
/etc/dhcpv6/dhcpc6.duid Contains the client identifier file. This file is created by the client daemon and is not configurable.