chedition Command


Allows query or change of the current signature file on the system.


To list the current edition on the system:

chedition -l

To change to the express edition:

chedition -x [-d Device [ -p ]]

To change to the standard edition:

chedition -s [-d Device [ -p ]]

To change to the enterprise edition:

chedition -e [-d Device [ -p ]]


The chedition command can be used to query the current edition of the system. The edition of the system, either express, standard, or enterprise will be displayed. The edition may also be changed by specifying the new edition the customer wishes to change to. If a bundle file exists for the new edition in /usr/sys/, it will be installed if the device or directory containing the images to install is specified. Changing the edition modifies the signature file located in the /usr/lpp/bos directory.


Item Description
-d Device or Directory Specifies the device or directory containing the images to install.
-e Used when changing to the enterprise edition.
-l List the current edition of the system. The edition of the system, either express, standard, or enterprise will be displayed.
-p Performs a preview of the bundle file installation by running all preinstallation checks. The edition of the system will not be updated.
-s Used when changing to the standard edition.
-x Used when changing to the express edition.


  1. To list the current edition on the system, type:
    chedition –l

    One of the following outputs will be returned:

    express | standard | enterprise
  2. To change to the standard edition, type:
     chedition –s
  3. To change to the enterprise edition and perform a preview install of the contents of the enterprise edition bundle file, should it exist, type:
    chedition –e –d /usr/sys/inst.images -p  


Item Description
/usr/sbin/chedition Contains the chedition command.
/usr/sys/ Contains system bundle files.