addrpnode Command


Adds one or more nodes to a peer domain definition.


addrpnode [-c] [-h] [-TV] node_name1 [node_name2 ... ]

addrpnode [-c] { -f-F { file_name"–" } } [-h] [-TV]


Before running addrpnode:

To set up the proper security environment, run the preprpnode command on each node that is to be added to the peer domain.

The addrpnode command adds the specified nodes to the online peer domain in which it (addrpnode) is run. This command must be run on a node that is online to the peer domain in which the new nodes are to be added. Though a node can be defined in multiple peer domains, it can only be online in one peer domain. To add one or more nodes to the peer domain, more than half of the nodes must be online.

To enable addrpnode to continue when there is an error on one of the nodes, use the -c flag.

The addrpnode command does not bring the added nodes online in the peer domain. To do this, use the startrpnode command.


Continues processing the command as long as at least one node can be added to the peer domain.

By default, if the addrpnode command fails on any node, it will fail on all nodes. The -c flag overrides this behavior, so that the addrpnode command will run on the other nodes, even if it fails on one node.

-f | -F { file_name | "–" }
Specifies that node names are read from a file or from standard input.

Use -f file_name or -F file_name to read the node names from a file. Use -f "-" or -F "-" to specify STDIN as the input file.

  • Specify one node name per line. The command ignores any blank characters to the left of the node name.
  • Use a number sign (#) to indicate that the remainder of the line (or the entire line if the # is in column 1) is a comment.
By default, all of the nodes that are listed in file_name:
  • are group services group leader candidates.
  • are used for quorum decisions.
  • have access to the peer domain tiebreaker mechanism.
You can customize node characteristics by using an at sign (@) control character followed by one or more of these special characters:
P | p
Specifies that the node is a group services group leader candidate.
Q | q
Specifies that the node is a quorum node.
B | b
Specifies that the node has access to the peer domain tiebreaker mechanism. B or b can only be specified for quorum nodes.
Specifies that the node does not have a certain characteristic. For example, !Q indicates that the node is not a quorum node.
When customizing node characteristics, consider the following (where x is P, Q, or B):
  • Use only one @ control character per line, followed immediately by one or more special characters, after the node name and before any comments.
  • Do not specify !QB for a node, as this results an error.
  • If you use a node number, add it after the node name and before any comments. The node number can precede or follow the node characteristic specifications.
  • If x is specified for one or more nodes and !x is not specified for any nodes, the nodes that do not have an x specified are assumed to have a value of !x.
  • If !x is specified for one or more nodes and x is not specified for any nodes, the nodes that do not have an !x specified are assumed to have a value of x.
  • If x and !x are specified for different nodes in the same node file, all of the nodes in the file must have a specification of x or !x.
Writes the command usage statement to standard output.
Writes the command trace messages to standard error. For your software service organization use only.
Writes the command verbose messages to standard output.


node_name1 [node_name2 ... ]
Specifies the node (or nodes) to be added to the peer domain definition. The node name is the IP address or the long or short version of the DNS host name. The node name must resolve to an IP address.


The user of the addrpnode command needs write permission for the IBM.PeerDomain resource class and the IBM.PeerNode resource class on each node that is to be added to the peer domain. This is set up by running the preprpnode command on each node to be added. Specify the names of all the nodes online in the peer domain with the preprpnode command. This gives the online nodes the necessary authority to perform operations on the nodes to be added.

Exit Status

The command ran successfully.
An error occurred with RMC.
An error occurred with a command-line interface script.
An incorrect flag was entered on the command line.
An incorrect parameter was entered on the command line.
An error occurred that was based on incorrect command-line input.

Environment Variables

Determines the system where the session with the resource monitoring and control (RMC) daemon occurs. When CT_CONTACT is set to a host name or IP address, the command contacts the RMC daemon on the specified host. If CT_CONTACT is not set, the command contacts the RMC daemon on the local system where the command is being run. The target of the RMC daemon session and the management scope determine the resource classes or resources that are processed.
When the CT_IP_AUTHENT environment variable exists, the RMC daemon uses IP-based network authentication to contact the RMC daemon on the system that is specified by the IP address to which the CT_CONTACT environment variable is set. CT_IP_AUTHENT only has meaning if CT_CONTACT is set to an IP address; it does not rely on the domain name system (DNS) service.


This command must be run on a node that is online in the peer domain in which the new nodes are to be added.

Implementation Specifics

This command is part of the Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) fileset for AIX®.

Standard Input

When the -f "-" or -F "-" flagd is specified, this command reads one or more node names from standard input.

Standard Output

When the -h flag is specified, this command's usage statement is written to standard output. All verbose messages are written to standard output.

Standard Error

All trace messages are written to standard error.


To add the nodes nodeB and nodeC to the peer domain ApplDomain where nodeA is already defined and online to ApplDomain, run this command on nodeA:
addrpnode nodeB nodeC

