X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


XtCreateApplicationContext -- create, destroy, and obtain an application context


XtAppContext XtCreateApplicationContext()

void XtDestroyApplicationContext (app_context) XtAppContext app_context;

XtAppContext XtWidgetToApplicationContext (w) Widget w;

void XtToolkitInitialize()


Specifies the application context.

Specifies the widget for which you want the application context.


The XtCreateApplicationContext function returns an application context, which is an opaque type. Every application must have at least one application context.

The XtDestroyApplicationContext function destroys the specified application context as soon as it is safe to do so. If called from with an event dispatch (for example, a callback procedure), XtDestroyApplicationContext does not destroy the application context until the dispatch is complete.

The XtWidgetToApplicationContext function returns the application context for the specified widget.


XtAppInitialize(X3xt), XtDisplayInitialize(X3xt)

X Toolkit Intrinsics - C Language Interface
Xlib - C Language X Interface

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004