X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


XmuRemoveCloseDisplayHook -- delete callback


cc . . . -lXmu

#include <X11/Xmu/CloseHook.h>

Bool XmuRemoveCloseDisplayHook(dpy, handle, func, arg) Display *dpy; CloseHook handle; int (*func)(); caddr_t arg;

Bool XmuLookupCloseDisplayHook(dpy, handle, func, arg) Display *dpy; CloseHook handle; int (*func)(); caddr_t arg;


Specifies the connection to the X server.

Specifies the callback by id, or NULL.

Specifies the callback by function.

Specifies the function data to match.


The XmuRemoveCloseDisplayHook function deletes a callback that is added with XmuAddCloseDisplayHook. If handle is not NULL, it specifies the callback to remove, and the func and arg parameters are ignored. If handle is NULL, the first callback found to match the specified func and arg will be removed. Returns True if a callback was removed, otherwise it returns False.

The XmuLookupCloseDisplayHook function determines if a callback is installed. If handle is not NULL, it specifies the callback to look for, and the func and arg parameters are ignored. If handle is NULL, the function looks for any callback for the specified func and arg. Returns True if a matching callback exists, otherwise it returns False.


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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004