X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


XmuLookupLatin1 -- map key event to Latin1 string


cc . . . -lXmu

#include <X11/Xmu/CharSet.h>

int XmuLookupLatin1(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupLatin2(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupLatin3(<event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupLatin4(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupAPL(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupKana(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupJISX0201(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupArabic(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupCyrillic(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupGreek(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;

int XmuLookupHebrew(event, buffer, nbytes, keysym, status) XKeyEvent *event; char *buffer; int nbytes; KeySym *keysym; XComposeStatus *status;


Specifies the key event.

Returns the translated characters.

Specifies the length of the buffer.

Returns the computed KeySym, or None.

Specifies or returns the compose state.


The XmuLookupLatin1 function is identical to XLookupString, and exists only for naming symmetry with other functions.

The XmuLookupLatin2 function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-2 (ISO 8859-2) string, or to a ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupLatin3 function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-3 (ISO 8859-3) string, or to an ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupLatin4 function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin-4 (ISO 8859-4) string, or to an ASCII control string.

The XLookupAPL function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to an APL string.

The XmuLookupKana function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a string in an encoding consisting of Latin-1 (ISO 8859-1) and ASCII control string in the Graphics Left half (values 0 to 127), and Katakana in the Graphics Right half (values 128 to 255), using the values from JISX201-1976.

The XmuLookupJISX0201 function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a string in the JISX0201-1976 encoding, including ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupArabic function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin/Arabic (ISO 8859-6) string, or to an ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupCyrillic function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin/Cyrillic (ISO 8859-5) string, or to an ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupGreek function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin/Greek (ISO 8859-7) string, or to an ASCII control string.

The XmuLookupHebrew function is similar to XLookupString, except that it maps a key event to a Latin/Hebrew (ISO 8859-8) string, or to an ASCII control string.


XmuCopyISOLatin1Lowered(X3xmu), XmuCompareISOLatin1(X3xmu), XLookupKeysym(X3xlib), XLookupString(X3xlib)
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