X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


Intro -- introduction to X Lib library functions and routines


The X Lib library is a collection of routines that implement the X Protocol.

The following table lists each of the functions, routines and macros and the manual page on which it is discussed. Functions preceded by an asterisk (*) are new to X11 Release 6.1.

Function Manual Page
AllPlanes AllPlanes(X3xlib)
BitmapBitOrder ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
BitmapPad ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
BitmapUnit ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
BlackPixel AllPlanes(X3xlib)
BlackPixelOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
ButtonPress XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
ButtonRelease XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
CellsOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
ClientWhitePointOfCCC DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)
ConnectionNumber AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultColormap AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultColormapOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DefaultDepth AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultDepthOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DefaultGC AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultGCOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DefaultRootWindow AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultScreen AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultScreenOfDisplay AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultVisual AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DefaultVisualOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DisplayCells AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DisplayHeight ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
DisplayHeightMM ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
DisplayOfCCC DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)
DisplayOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DisplayPlanes AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DisplayString AllPlanes(X3xlib)
DisplayWidth ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
DisplayWidthMM ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
DoesBackingStore BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
DoesSaveUnders BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
EventMaskOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
HeightMMOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
HeightOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
ImageByteOrder ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
imake imake(X3xlib)
Intro Intro(X3xlib)
IsCursorKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
IsFunctionKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
IsKeypadKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
IsMiscFunctionKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
IsModiferKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
IsPFKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
* IsPrivateKeypadKey IsCursorKey(X3xlib)
KeyPress XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
KeyRelease XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
LastKnownRequestProcessed AllPlanes(X3xlib)

 |  | Function                  | Manual Page                |
 |  | AllPlanes                 | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | BitmapBitOrder            | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | BitmapPad                 | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | BitmapUnit                | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | BlackPixel                | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | BlackPixelOfScreen        | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | ButtonPress               | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)       |
 |  | ButtonRelease             | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)       |
 |  | CellsOfScreen             | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | ClientWhitePointOfCCC     | DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)       |
 |  | ConnectionNumber          | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultColormap           | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultColormapOfScreen   | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DefaultDepth              | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultDepthOfScreen      | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DefaultGC                 | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultGCOfScreen         | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DefaultRootWindow         | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultScreen             | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultScreenOfDisplay    | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultVisual             | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DefaultVisualOfScreen     | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DisplayCells              | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DisplayHeight             | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | DisplayHeightMM           | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | DisplayOfCCC              | DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)       |
 |  | DisplayOfScreen           | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DisplayPlanes             | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DisplayString             | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |
 |  | DisplayWidth              | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | DisplayWidthMM            | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | DoesBackingStore          | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | DoesSaveUnders            | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | EventMaskOfScreen         | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | HeightMMOfScreen          | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | HeightOfScreen            | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib) |
 |  | ImageByteOrder            | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)     |
 |  | imake                     | imake(X3xlib)              |
 |  | Intro                     | Intro(X3xlib)              |
 |  | IsCursorKey               | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | IsFunctionKey             | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | IsKeypadKey               | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | IsMiscFunctionKey         | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | IsModiferKey              | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | IsPFKey                   | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |* | IsPrivateKeypadKey        | IsCursorKey(X3xlib)        |
 |  | KeyPress                  | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)       |
 |  | KeyRelease                | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)       |
 |  | LastKnownRequestProcessed | AllPlanes(X3xlib)          |

lndir lndir(X3xlib)
* makedepend makedepend(X3xlib)
MaxCmapsOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
MinCmapsOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
mkdirhier mkdirhier(X3xlib)
MotionNotify XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
NextRequest AllPlanes(X3xlib)
PlanesOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
ProtocolRevision AllPlanes(X3xlib)
ProtocolVersion AllPlanes(X3xlib)
QLength AllPlanes(X3xlib)
RootWindow AllPlanes(X3xlib)
RootWindowOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
ScreenCount AllPlanes(X3xlib)
ScreenNumberOfCCC DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)
ScreenOfDisplay AllPlanes(X3xlib)
ScreenWhitePointOfCCC DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)
ServerVendor AllPlanes(X3xlib)
VendorRelease AllPlanes(X3xlib)
VisualOfCCC DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)
WhitePixel AllPlanes(X3xlib)
WhitePixelOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
WidthMMOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
WidthOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
XActivateScreenSaver XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)
* XAddConnectionWatch XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)
XAddHost XAddHost(X3xlib)
XAddHosts XAddHost(X3xlib)
XAddPixel XCreateImage(X3xlib)
XAddToSaveSet XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)
XAllocClassHint XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)
XAllocColor XAllocColor(X3xlib)
XAllocColorCells XAllocColor(X3xlib)
XAllocColorPlanes XAllocColor(X3xlib)
XAllocIconSize XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)
XAllocNamedColor XAllocColor(X3xlib)
XAllocSizeHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XAllocStandardColormap XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)
XAllocWMHints XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)
XAllowEvents XAllowEvents(X3xlib)
XAnyEvent XAnyEvent(X3xlib)
XArc XDrawArc(X3xlib)
XAutoRepeatOff XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XAutoRepeatOn XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
XBell XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XButtonEvent XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
XChangeActivePointerGrab XGrabPointer(X3xlib)
XChangeGC XCreateGC(X3xlib)

 |  | lndir                      | lndir(X3xlib)                  |
 |* | makedepend                 | makedepend(X3xlib)             |
 |  | MaxCmapsOfScreen           | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | MinCmapsOfScreen           | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | mkdirhier                  | mkdirhier(X3xlib)              |
 |  | MotionNotify               | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)           |
 |  | NextRequest                | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | PlanesOfScreen             | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | ProtocolRevision           | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | ProtocolVersion            | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | QLength                    | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | RootWindow                 | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | RootWindowOfScreen         | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | ScreenCount                | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | ScreenNumberOfCCC          | DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)           |
 |  | ScreenOfDisplay            | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | ScreenWhitePointOfCCC      | DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)           |
 |  | ServerVendor               | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | VendorRelease              | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | VisualOfCCC                | DisplayOfCCC(X3xlib)           |
 |  | WhitePixel                 | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | WhitePixelOfScreen         | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | WidthMMOfScreen            | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | WidthOfScreen              | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XActivateScreenSaver       | XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)        |
 |* | XAddConnectionWatch        | XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XAddHost                   | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XAddHosts                  | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XAddPixel                  | XCreateImage(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XAddToSaveSet              | XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XAllocClassHint            | XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XAllocColor                | XAllocColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XAllocColorCells           | XAllocColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XAllocColorPlanes          | XAllocColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XAllocIconSize             | XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XAllocNamedColor           | XAllocColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XAllocSizeHints            | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XAllocStandardColormap     | XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib) |
 |  | XAllocWMHints              | XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XAllowEvents               | XAllowEvents(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XAnyEvent                  | XAnyEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XArc                       | XDrawArc(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XAutoRepeatOff             | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib) |
 |  | XAutoRepeatOn              | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib) |
 |  | XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XBell                      | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib) |
 |  | XButtonEvent               | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XChangeActivePointerGrab   | XGrabPointer(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XChangeGC                  | XCreateGC(X3xlib)              |

XChangeKeyboardControl XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XChangeKeyboardMapping XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XChangePointerControl XChangePointerControl(X3xlib)
XChangeProperty XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)
XChangeSaveSet XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)
XChangeWindowAttributes XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XChar2b XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XCharStruct XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XCheckIfEvent XIfEvent(X3xlib)
XCheckMaskEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XCheckTypedEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XCheckTypedWindowEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XCheckWindowEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XCirculateEvent XCirculateEvent(X3xlib)
XCirculateRequestEvent XCirculateRequestEvent(X3xlib)
XCirculateSubwindows XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XCirculateSubwindowsDown XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XCirculateSubwindowsUp XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XClassHint XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)
XClearArea XClearArea(X3xlib)
XClearWindow XClearArea(X3xlib)
XClientMessageEvent XClientMessageEvent(X3xlib)
XClipBox XPolygonRegion(X3xlib)
XCloseDisplay XOpenDisplay(X3xlib)
XCloseIM XOpenIM(X3xlib)
* XCloseOM XOpenOM(X3xlib)
XcmsAllocColor XcmsAllocColor(X3xlib)
XcmsAllocNamedColor XcmsAllocColor(X3xlib)
XcmsCCCOfColormap XcmsCCCOfColormap(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELab XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELabQueryMinL XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELuv XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsCIEuvY XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsCIExyY XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsCIEXYZ XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsColor XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsConvertColors XcmsConvertColors(X3xlib)
XcmsCreateCCC XcmsCreateCCC(X3xlib)
XcmsDefaultCCC XcmsDefaultCCC(X3xlib)
XcmsFreeCCC XcmsCreateCCC(X3xlib)
XcmsLookupColor XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)
XcmsPad XcmsColor(X3xlib)

 |  | XChangeKeyboardControl   | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XChangeKeyboardMapping   | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XChangePointerControl    | XChangePointerControl(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XChangeProperty          | XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XChangeSaveSet           | XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XChangeWindowAttributes  | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XChar2b                  | XLoadFont(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XCharStruct              | XLoadFont(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XCheckIfEvent            | XIfEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XCheckMaskEvent          | XNextEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCheckTypedEvent         | XNextEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCheckTypedWindowEvent   | XNextEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCheckWindowEvent        | XNextEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCirculateEvent          | XCirculateEvent(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XCirculateRequestEvent   | XCirculateRequestEvent(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XCirculateSubwindows     | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XCirculateSubwindowsDown | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XCirculateSubwindowsUp   | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XClassHint               | XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XClearArea               | XClearArea(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XClearWindow             | XClearArea(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XClientMessageEvent      | XClientMessageEvent(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XClipBox                 | XPolygonRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XCloseDisplay            | XOpenDisplay(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XCloseIM                 | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                 |
 |* | XCloseOM                 | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XcmsAllocColor           | XcmsAllocColor(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XcmsAllocNamedColor      | XcmsAllocColor(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XcmsCCCOfColormap        | XcmsCCCOfColormap(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XcmsCIELab               | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC      | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL      | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC     | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELabQueryMinL      | XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELuv               | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC      | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL      | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC     | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL      | XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XcmsCIEuvY               | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsCIExyY               | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsCIEXYZ               | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsColor                | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XcmsConvertColors        | XcmsConvertColors(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XcmsCreateCCC            | XcmsCreateCCC(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XcmsDefaultCCC           | XcmsDefaultCCC(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XcmsFreeCCC              | XcmsCreateCCC(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XcmsLookupColor          | XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XcmsPad                  | XcmsColor(X3xlib)               |

XcmsQueryBlack XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryBlue XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryColor XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryColors XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryGreen XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryRed XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)
XcmsQueryWhite XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)
XcmsRGB XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsRGBi XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsSetCCCOfColormap XcmsCCCOfColormap(X3xlib)
XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc XcmsSetWhitePoint(X3xlib)
XcmsSetWhitePoint XcmsSetWhitePoint(X3xlib)
XcmsStoreColor XcmsStoreColor(X3xlib)
XcmsStoreColors XcmsStoreColor(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVC XcmsColor(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)
XColor XCreateColormap(X3xlib)
XColormapEvent XColormapEvent(X3xlib)
XConfigureEvent XConfigureEvent(X3xlib)
XConfigureRequestEvent XConfigureRequestEvent(X3xlib)
XConfigureWindow XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XContextDependentDrawing XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
* XContextualDrawing XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
* XConvertCase XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)
XConvertSelection XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)
XCopyArea XCopyArea(X3xlib)
XCopyColormapAndFree XCreateColormap(X3xlib)
XCopyGC XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XCopyPlane XCopyArea(X3xlib)
XCreateBitmapFromData XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)
XCreateColormap XCreateColormap(X3xlib)
XCreateFontCursor XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)
XCreateFontSet XCreateFontSet(X3xlib)
XCreateGC XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XCreateGlyphCursor XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)
XCreateIC XCreateIC(X3xlib)
XCreateImage XCreateImage(X3xlib)
* XCreateOC XCreateOC(X3xlib)
XCreatePixmap XCreatePixmap(X3xlib)
XCreatePixmapCursor XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)
XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)
XCreateRegion XCreateRegion(X3xlib)
XCreateSimpleWindow XCreateWindow(X3xlib)
XCreateWindow XCreateWindow(X3xlib)
XCreateWindowEvent XCreateWindowEvent(X3xlib)

 |  | XcmsQueryBlack              | XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryBlue               | XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryColor              | XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryColors             | XcmsQueryColor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryGreen              | XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryRed                | XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsQueryWhite              | XcmsQueryBlack(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsRGB                     | XcmsColor(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XcmsRGBi                    | XcmsColor(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XcmsSetCCCOfColormap        | XcmsCCCOfColormap(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc      | XcmsSetWhitePoint(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XcmsSetWhitePoint           | XcmsSetWhitePoint(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XcmsStoreColor              | XcmsStoreColor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsStoreColors             | XcmsStoreColor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XcmsTekHVC                  | XcmsColor(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC         | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV         | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC        | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV         | XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XColor                      | XCreateColormap(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XColormapEvent              | XColormapEvent(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XConfigureEvent             | XConfigureEvent(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XConfigureRequestEvent      | XConfigureRequestEvent(X3xlib) |
 |  | XConfigureWindow            | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XContextDependentDrawing    | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)        |
 |* | XContextualDrawing          | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)        |
 |* | XConvertCase                | XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XConvertSelection           | XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XCopyArea                   | XCopyArea(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCopyColormapAndFree        | XCreateColormap(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XCopyGC                     | XCreateGC(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCopyPlane                  | XCopyArea(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCreateBitmapFromData       | XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XCreateColormap             | XCreateColormap(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XCreateFontCursor           | XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XCreateFontSet              | XCreateFontSet(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XCreateGC                   | XCreateGC(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCreateGlyphCursor          | XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XCreateIC                   | XCreateIC(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCreateImage                | XCreateImage(X3xlib)           |
 |* | XCreateOC                   | XCreateOC(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XCreatePixmap               | XCreatePixmap(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XCreatePixmapCursor         | XCreateFontCursor(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData | XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XCreateRegion               | XCreateRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XCreateSimpleWindow         | XCreateWindow(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XCreateWindow               | XCreateWindow(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XCreateWindowEvent          | XCreateWindowEvent(X3xlib)     |

XCrossingEvent XCrossingEvent(X3xlib)
XDefaultString XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XDefineCursor XDefineCursor(X3xlib)
XDeleteContext XSaveContext(X3xlib)
XDeleteModifiermapEntry XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XDeleteProperty XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)
XDestroyIC XCreateIC(X3xlib)
XDestroyImage XCreateImage(X3xlib)
* XDestroyOC XCreateOC(X3xlib)
XDestroyRegion XCreateRegion(X3xlib)
XDestroySubwindows XDestroyWindow(X3xlib)
XDestroyWindow XDestroyWindow(X3xlib)
XDestroyWindowEvent XDestroyWindowEvent(X3xlib)
* XDirectionalDependentDrawing XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
XDisableAccessControl XAddHost(X3xlib)
XDisplayKeycodes XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XDisplayMotionBufferSize XSendEvent(X3xlib)
XDisplayName XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)
XDisplayOfIM XOpenIM(X3xlib)
* XDisplayOfOM XOpenOM(X3xlib)
XDrawArc XDrawArc(X3xlib)
XDrawArcs XDrawArc(X3xlib)
XDrawImageString XDrawImageString(X3xlib)
XDrawImageString16 XDrawImageString(X3xlib)
XDrawLine XDrawLine(X3xlib)
XDrawLines XDrawLine(X3xlib)
XDrawPoint XDrawPoint(X3xlib)
XDrawPoints XDrawPoint(X3xlib)
XDrawRectangle XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)
XDrawRectangles XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)
XDrawSegments XDrawLine(X3xlib)
XDrawString XDrawString(X3xlib)
XDrawString16 XDrawString(X3xlib)
XDrawText XDrawText(X3xlib)
XDrawText16 XDrawText(X3xlib)
XEmptyRegion XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)
XEnableAccessControl XAddHost(X3xlib)
XEqualRegion XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)
XErrorEvent XErrorEvent(X3xlib)
XEvent XAnyEvent(X3xlib)
XEventsQueued XFlush(X3xlib)
XExposeEvent XExposeEvent(X3xlib)
* XExtendedMaxRequestSize AllPlanes(X3xlib)
XExtentsOfFontSet XExtentsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
XFetchBuffer XStoreBytes(X3xlib)
XFetchBytes XStoreBytes(X3xlib)
XFetchName XSetWMName(X3xlib)
XFillArc XFillRectangle(X3xlib)
XFillArcs XFillRectangle(X3xlib)

 |  | XCrossingEvent               | XCrossingEvent(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XDefaultString               | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XDefineCursor                | XDefineCursor(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XDeleteContext               | XSaveContext(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XDeleteModifiermapEntry      | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XDeleteProperty              | XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XDestroyIC                   | XCreateIC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDestroyImage                | XCreateImage(X3xlib)              |
 |* | XDestroyOC                   | XCreateOC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDestroyRegion               | XCreateRegion(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XDestroySubwindows           | XDestroyWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XDestroyWindow               | XDestroyWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XDestroyWindowEvent          | XDestroyWindowEvent(X3xlib)       |
 |* | XDirectionalDependentDrawing | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XDisableAccessControl        | XAddHost(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XDisplayKeycodes             | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XDisplayMotionBufferSize     | XSendEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XDisplayName                 | XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XDisplayOfIM                 | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                   |
 |* | XDisplayOfOM                 | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                   |
 |  | XDrawArc                     | XDrawArc(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XDrawArcs                    | XDrawArc(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XDrawImageString             | XDrawImageString(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XDrawImageString16           | XDrawImageString(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XDrawLine                    | XDrawLine(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDrawLines                   | XDrawLine(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDrawPoint                   | XDrawPoint(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XDrawPoints                  | XDrawPoint(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XDrawRectangle               | XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XDrawRectangles              | XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XDrawSegments                | XDrawLine(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDrawString                  | XDrawString(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XDrawString16                | XDrawString(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XDrawText                    | XDrawText(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XDrawText16                  | XDrawText(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XEmptyRegion                 | XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XEnableAccessControl         | XAddHost(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XEqualRegion                 | XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XErrorEvent                  | XErrorEvent(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XEvent                       | XAnyEvent(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XEventsQueued                | XFlush(X3xlib)                    |
 |  | XExposeEvent                 | XExposeEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |* | XExtendedMaxRequestSize      | AllPlanes(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XExtentsOfFontSet            | XExtentsOfFontSet(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XFetchBuffer                 | XStoreBytes(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XFetchBytes                  | XStoreBytes(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XFetchName                   | XSetWMName(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XFillArc                     | XFillRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFillArcs                    | XFillRectangle(X3xlib)            |

XFillPolygon XFillRectangle(X3xlib)
XFillRectangle XFillRectangle(X3xlib)
XFillRectangles XFillRectangle(X3xlib)
XFilterEvent XFilterEvent(X3xlib)
XFindContext XSaveContext(X3xlib)
XFlush XFlush(X3xlib)
XFocusChangeEvent XFocusChangeEvent(X3xlib)
XFontProp XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XFontSetExtents XFontSetExtents(X3xlib)
XFontsOfFontSet XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
XFontStruct XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XForceScreenSaver XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)
XFree XFree(X3xlib)
XFreeColormap XCreateColormap(X3xlib)
XFreeColors XAllocColor(X3xlib)
XFreeCursor XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)
XFreeFont XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XFreeFontInfo XListFonts(X3xlib)
XFreeFontNames XListFonts(X3xlib)
XFreeFontPath XSetFontPath(X3xlib)
XFreeFontSet XCreateFontSet(X3xlib)
XFreeGC XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XFreeModifiermap XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XFreePixmap XCreatePixmap(X3xlib)
XFreeStringList XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XGContextFromGC XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XGCValues XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XGetAtomName XInternAtom(X3xlib)
* XGetAtomNames XInternAtom(X3xlib)
XGetClassHint XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)
XGetCommand XSetCommand(X3xlib)
XGetErrorDatabaseText XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)
XGetErrorText XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)
XGetFontPath XSetFontPath(X3xlib)
XGetFontProperty XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XGetGCValues XCreateGC(X3xlib)
XGetGeometry XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XGetIconName XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)
XGetIconSizes XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)
XGetICValues XSetICValues(X3xlib)
XGetImage XPutImage(X3xlib)
XGetIMValues XOpenIM(X3xlib)
XGetInputFocus XSetInputFocus(X3xlib)
XGetKeyboardControl XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XGetKeyboardMapping XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XGetModifierMapping XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XGetMotionEvents XSendEvent(X3xlib)
* XGetOCValues XCreateOC(X3xlib)
* XGetOMValues XOpenOM(X3xlib)

 |  | XFillPolygon          | XFillRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFillRectangle        | XFillRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFillRectangles       | XFillRectangle(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFilterEvent          | XFilterEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XFindContext          | XSaveContext(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XFlush                | XFlush(X3xlib)                    |
 |  | XFocusChangeEvent     | XFocusChangeEvent(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XFontProp             | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XFontSetExtents       | XFontSetExtents(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XFontsOfFontSet       | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XFontStruct           | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XForceScreenSaver     | XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XFree                 | XFree(X3xlib)                     |
 |  | XFreeColormap         | XCreateColormap(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XFreeColors           | XAllocColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XFreeCursor           | XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFreeFont             | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XFreeFontInfo         | XListFonts(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XFreeFontNames        | XListFonts(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XFreeFontPath         | XSetFontPath(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XFreeFontSet          | XCreateFontSet(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XFreeGC               | XCreateGC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XFreeModifiermap      | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XFreePixmap           | XCreatePixmap(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XFreeStringList       | XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XGContextFromGC       | XCreateGC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XGCValues             | XCreateGC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XGetAtomName          | XInternAtom(X3xlib)               |
 |* | XGetAtomNames         | XInternAtom(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XGetClassHint         | XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XGetCommand           | XSetCommand(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XGetErrorDatabaseText | XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XGetErrorText         | XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XGetFontPath          | XSetFontPath(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XGetFontProperty      | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XGetGCValues          | XCreateGC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XGetGeometry          | XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XGetIconName          | XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XGetIconSizes         | XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XGetICValues          | XSetICValues(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XGetImage             | XPutImage(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XGetIMValues          | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                   |
 |  | XGetInputFocus        | XSetInputFocus(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XGetKeyboardControl   | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XGetKeyboardMapping   | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XGetModifierMapping   | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XGetMotionEvents      | XSendEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |* | XGetOCValues          | XCreateOC(X3xlib)                 |
 |* | XGetOMValues          | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                   |

XGetPixel XCreateImage(X3xlib)
XGetPointerControl XChangePointerControl(X3xlib)
XGetPointerMapping XSetPointerMapping(X3xlib)
XGetRGBColormaps XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)
XGetScreenSaver XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)
XGetSelectionOwner XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)
XGetSubImage XPutImage(X3xlib)
XGetTextProperty XSetTextProperty(X3xlib)
XGetTransientForHint XSetTransientForHint(X3xlib)
XGetVisualInfo XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)
XGetWindowAttributes XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XGetWindowProperty XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)
XGetWMClientMachine XSetWMClientMachine(X3xlib)
XGetWMColormapWindows XSetWMColormapWindows(X3xlib)
XGetWMHints XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)
XGetWMIconName XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)
XGetWMName XSetWMName(X3xlib)
XGetWMNormalHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XGetWMProtocols XSetWMProtocols(X3xlib)
XGetWMSizeHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XGrabButton XGrabButton(X3xlib)
XGrabKey XGrabKey(X3xlib)
XGrabKeyboard XGrabKeyboard(X3xlib)
XGrabPointer XGrabPointer(X3xlib)
XGrabServer XGrabServer(X3xlib)
XGraphicsExposeEvent XGraphicsExposeEvent(X3xlib)
XGravityEvent XGravityEvent(X3xlib)
XHostAddress XAddHost(X3xlib)
XIconifyWindow XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)
XIconSize XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)
XIfEvent XIfEvent(X3xlib)
XIMOfIC XCreateIC(X3xlib)
* XInitImage XCreateImage(X3xlib)
* XInitThreads XInitThreads(X3xlib)
XInsertModifiermapEntry XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XInstallColormap XInstallColormap(X3xlib)
* XInternalConnectionNumbers XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)
XInternAtom XInternAtom(X3xlib)
* XInternAtoms XInternAtom(X3xlib)
XIntersectRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
XKeyboardControl XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XKeycodeToKeysym XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)
XKeyEvent XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
XKeymapEvent XKeymapEvent(X3xlib)
XKeysymToKeycode XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)
XKeysymToString XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)
XKillClient XSetCloseDownMode(X3xlib)
XListDepths AllPlanes(X3xlib)
XListFonts XListFonts(X3xlib)

 |  | XGetPixel                  | XCreateImage(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XGetPointerControl         | XChangePointerControl(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XGetPointerMapping         | XSetPointerMapping(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XGetRGBColormaps           | XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib) |
 |  | XGetScreenSaver            | XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XGetSelectionOwner         | XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XGetSubImage               | XPutImage(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XGetTextProperty           | XSetTextProperty(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XGetTransientForHint       | XSetTransientForHint(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XGetVisualInfo             | XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XGetWindowAttributes       | XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XGetWindowProperty         | XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XGetWMClientMachine        | XSetWMClientMachine(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XGetWMColormapWindows      | XSetWMColormapWindows(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XGetWMHints                | XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XGetWMIconName             | XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XGetWMName                 | XSetWMName(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XGetWMNormalHints          | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XGetWMProtocols            | XSetWMProtocols(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XGetWMSizeHints            | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XGrabButton                | XGrabButton(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XGrabKey                   | XGrabKey(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XGrabKeyboard              | XGrabKeyboard(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XGrabPointer               | XGrabPointer(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XGrabServer                | XGrabServer(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XGraphicsExposeEvent       | XGraphicsExposeEvent(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XGravityEvent              | XGravityEvent(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XHostAddress               | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XIconifyWindow             | XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XIconSize                  | XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XIfEvent                   | XIfEvent(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XIMOfIC                    | XCreateIC(X3xlib)              |
 |* | XInitImage                 | XCreateImage(X3xlib)           |
 |* | XInitThreads               | XInitThreads(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XInsertModifiermapEntry    | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib) |
 |  | XInstallColormap           | XInstallColormap(X3xlib)       |
 |* | XInternalConnectionNumbers | XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XInternAtom                | XInternAtom(X3xlib)            |
 |* | XInternAtoms               | XInternAtom(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XIntersectRegion           | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XKeyboardControl           | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib) |
 |  | XKeycodeToKeysym           | XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XKeyEvent                  | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XKeymapEvent               | XKeymapEvent(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XKeysymToKeycode           | XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XKeysymToString            | XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XKillClient                | XSetCloseDownMode(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XListDepths                | AllPlanes(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XListFonts                 | XListFonts(X3xlib)             |

XListFontsWithInfo XListFonts(X3xlib)
XListHosts XAddHost(X3xlib)
XListInstalledColormaps XInstallColormap(X3xlib)
XListPixmapFormats ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
XListProperties XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)
XLoadFont XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XLoadQueryFont XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XLocaleOfFontSet XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)
XLocaleOfIM XOpenIM(X3xlib)
* XLocaleOfOM XOpenOM(X3xlib)
* XLockDisplay XInitThreads(X3xlib)
XLookupColor XQueryColor(X3xlib)
XLookupKeysym XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)
XLookupString XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)
XLowerWindow XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XMapEvent XMapEvent(X3xlib)
XMappingEvent XMapEvent(X3xlib)
XMapRaised XMapWindow(X3xlib)
XMapRequestEvent XMapRequestEvent(X3xlib)
XMapSubwindows XMapWindow(X3xlib)
XMapWindow XMapWindow(X3xlib)
XMaskEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XMatchVisualInfo XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)
XMaxRequestSize AllPlanes(X3xlib)
XmbDrawImageString XmbDrawImageString(X3xlib)
XmbDrawString XmbDrawString(X3xlib)
XmbDrawText XmbDrawText(X3xlib)
XmbLookupString XmbLookupString(X3xlib)
XmbResetIC XmbResetIC(X3xlib)
XmbSetWMProperties XSetWMProperties(X3xlib)
XmbTextEscapement XmbTextEscapement(X3xlib)
XmbTextExtents XmbTextExtents(X3xlib)
XmbTextListToTextProperty XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XmbTextPerCharExtents XmbTextPerCharExtents(X3xlib)
XmbTextPropertyToTextList XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
xmkmf xmkmf(X3xlib)
XModifierKeymap XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XMotionEvent XButtonEvent(X3xlib)
XMoveResizeWindow XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XMoveWindow XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XNewModifiermap XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
XNextEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XNoExposeEvent XGraphicsExposeEvent(X3xlib)
XNoOp XNoOp(X3xlib)
XOffsetRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
* XOMOfOC XCreateOC(X3xlib)
XOpenDisplay XOpenDisplay(X3xlib)
XOpenIM XOpenIM(X3xlib)
* XOpenOM XOpenOM(X3xlib)

 |  | XListFontsWithInfo        | XListFonts(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XListHosts                | XAddHost(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XListInstalledColormaps   | XInstallColormap(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XListPixmapFormats        | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XListProperties           | XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XLoadFont                 | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XLoadQueryFont            | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XLocaleOfFontSet          | XFontsOfFontSet(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XLocaleOfIM               | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                   |
 |* | XLocaleOfOM               | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                   |
 |* | XLockDisplay              | XInitThreads(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XLookupColor              | XQueryColor(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XLookupKeysym             | XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XLookupString             | XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XLowerWindow              | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XMapEvent                 | XMapEvent(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XMappingEvent             | XMapEvent(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XMapRaised                | XMapWindow(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XMapRequestEvent          | XMapRequestEvent(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XMapSubwindows            | XMapWindow(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XMapWindow                | XMapWindow(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XMaskEvent                | XNextEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XMatchVisualInfo          | XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XMaxRequestSize           | AllPlanes(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XmbDrawImageString        | XmbDrawImageString(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XmbDrawString             | XmbDrawString(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XmbDrawText               | XmbDrawText(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XmbLookupString           | XmbLookupString(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XmbResetIC                | XmbResetIC(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XmbSetWMProperties        | XSetWMProperties(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XmbTextEscapement         | XmbTextEscapement(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XmbTextExtents            | XmbTextExtents(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XmbTextListToTextProperty | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XmbTextPerCharExtents     | XmbTextPerCharExtents(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XmbTextPropertyToTextList | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | xmkmf                     | xmkmf(X3xlib)                     |
 |  | XModifierKeymap           | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XMotionEvent              | XButtonEvent(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XMoveResizeWindow         | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XMoveWindow               | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XNewModifiermap           | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XNextEvent                | XNextEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XNoExposeEvent            | XGraphicsExposeEvent(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XNoOp                     | XNoOp(X3xlib)                     |
 |  | XOffsetRegion             | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |* | XOMOfOC                   | XCreateOC(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XOpenDisplay              | XOpenDisplay(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XOpenIM                   | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                   |
 |* | XOpenOM                   | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                   |

XParseColor XQueryColor(X3xlib)
XParseGeometry XParseGeometry(X3xlib)
XPeekEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XPeekIfEvent XIfEvent(X3xlib)
XPending XFlush(X3xlib)
XPixmapFormatValues ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)
XPoint XDrawPoint(X3xlib)
XPointInRegion XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)
XPolygonRegion XPolygonRegion(X3xlib)
* XProcessInternalConnection XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)
XPropertyEvent XPropertyEvent(X3xlib)
XPutBackEvent XPutBackEvent(X3xlib)
XPutImage XPutImage(X3xlib)
XPutPixel XCreateImage(X3xlib)
XQueryBestCursor XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)
XQueryBestSize XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)
XQueryBestStipple XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)
XQueryBestTile XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)
XQueryColor XQueryColor(X3xlib)
XQueryColors XQueryColor(X3xlib)
XQueryFont XLoadFont(X3xlib)
XQueryKeymap XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib)
XQueryPointer XQueryPointer(X3xlib)
XQueryTextExtents XTextExtents(X3xlib)
XQueryTextExtents16 XTextExtents(X3xlib)
XQueryTree XQueryTree(X3xlib)
XRaiseWindow XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XReadBitmapFile XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)
* XReadBitmapFileData XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)
XRebindKeysym XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)
XRecolorCursor XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)
XReconfigureWMWindow XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)
XRectangle XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)
XRectInRegion XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)
XRefreshKeyboardMapping XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)
* XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback XOpenIM(X3xlib)
* XRemoveConnectionWatch XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)
XRemoveFromSaveSet XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)
XRemoveHost XAddHost(X3xlib)
XRemoveHosts XAddHost(X3xlib)
XReparentEvent XReparentEvent(X3xlib)
XReparentWindow XReparentWindow(X3xlib)
XResetScreenSaver XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)
XResizeRequestEvent XResizeRequestEvent(X3xlib)
XResizeWindow XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XResourceManagerString XResourceManagerString(X3xlib)
XRestackWindows XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)
XrmCombineDatabase XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)
XrmCombineFileDatabase XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)

 |  | XParseColor                    | XQueryColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XParseGeometry                 | XParseGeometry(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XPeekEvent                     | XNextEvent(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XPeekIfEvent                   | XIfEvent(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XPending                       | XFlush(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XPixmapFormatValues            | ImageByteOrder(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XPoint                         | XDrawPoint(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XPointInRegion                 | XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XPolygonRegion                 | XPolygonRegion(X3xlib)         |
 |* | XProcessInternalConnection     | XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XPropertyEvent                 | XPropertyEvent(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XPutBackEvent                  | XPutBackEvent(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XPutImage                      | XPutImage(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XPutPixel                      | XCreateImage(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XQueryBestCursor               | XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XQueryBestSize                 | XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XQueryBestStipple              | XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XQueryBestTile                 | XQueryBestSize(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XQueryColor                    | XQueryColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XQueryColors                   | XQueryColor(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XQueryFont                     | XLoadFont(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XQueryKeymap                   | XChangeKeyboardControl(X3xlib) |
 |  | XQueryPointer                  | XQueryPointer(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XQueryTextExtents              | XTextExtents(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XQueryTextExtents16            | XTextExtents(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XQueryTree                     | XQueryTree(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XRaiseWindow                   | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XReadBitmapFile                | XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)        |
 |* | XReadBitmapFileData            | XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XRebindKeysym                  | XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XRecolorCursor                 | XRecolorCursor(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XReconfigureWMWindow           | XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XRectangle                     | XDrawRectangle(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XRectInRegion                  | XEmptyRegion(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XRefreshKeyboardMapping        | XLookupKeysym(X3xlib)          |
 |* | XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                |
 |* | XRemoveConnectionWatch         | XAddConnectionWatch(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XRemoveFromSaveSet             | XChangeSaveSet(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XRemoveHost                    | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XRemoveHosts                   | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XReparentEvent                 | XReparentEvent(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XReparentWindow                | XReparentWindow(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XResetScreenSaver              | XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XResizeRequestEvent            | XResizeRequestEvent(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XResizeWindow                  | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)       |
 |  | XResourceManagerString         | XResourceManagerString(X3xlib) |
 |  | XRestackWindows                | XRaiseWindow(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XrmCombineDatabase             | XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XrmCombineFileDatabase         | XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)      |

XrmDestroyDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmEnumerateDatabase XrmEnumerateDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmGetDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmGetFileDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmGetResource XrmGetResource(X3xlib)
XrmGetStringDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmInitialize XrmInitialize(X3xlib)
XrmLocaleOfDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmMergeDatabases XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)
XrmOptionDescRec XrmInitialize(X3xlib)
XrmOptionKind XrmInitialize(X3xlib)
XrmParseCommand XrmInitialize(X3xlib)
XrmPermStringToQuark XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmPutFileDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmPutLineResource XrmPutResource(X3xlib)
XrmPutResource XrmPutResource(X3xlib)
XrmPutStringResource XrmPutResource(X3xlib)
XrmQGetResource XrmGetResource(X3xlib)
XrmQGetSearchList XrmGetResource(X3xlib)
XrmQGetSearchResource XrmGetResource(X3xlib)
XrmQPutResource XrmPutResource(X3xlib)
XrmQPutStringResource XrmPutResource(X3xlib)
XrmQuarkToString XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmSetDatabase XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)
XrmStringToBindingQuarkList XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmStringToQuark XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmStringToQuarkList XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmUniqueQuark XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)
XrmValue XrmInitialize(X3xlib)
XRotateBuffers XStoreBytes(X3xlib)
XRotateWindowProperties XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)
XSaveContext XSaveContext(X3xlib)
XScreenNumberOfScreen BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)
XScreenResourceString XResourceManagerString(X3xlib)
XSegment XDrawLine(X3xlib)
XSelectInput XSelectInput(X3xlib)
XSelectionClearEvent XSelectionClearEvent(X3xlib)
XSelectionEvent XSelectionEvent(X3xlib)
XSelectionRequestEvent XSelectionRequestEvent(X3xlib)
XSendEvent XSendEvent(X3xlib)
XSetAccessControl XAddHost(X3xlib)
XSetAfterFunction XSynchronize(X3xlib)
XSetArcMode XSetArcMode(X3xlib)
XSetBackground XSetState(X3xlib)
XSetClassHint XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)
XSetClipMask XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)
XSetClipOrigin XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)
XSetClipRectangles XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)
XSetCloseDownMode XSetCloseDownMode(X3xlib)

 |  | XrmDestroyDatabase          | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmEnumerateDatabase        | XrmEnumerateDatabase(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XrmGetDatabase              | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmGetFileDatabase          | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmGetResource              | XrmGetResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmGetStringDatabase        | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmInitialize               | XrmInitialize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XrmLocaleOfDatabase         | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmMergeDatabases           | XrmMergeDatabases(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XrmOptionDescRec            | XrmInitialize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XrmOptionKind               | XrmInitialize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XrmParseCommand             | XrmInitialize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XrmPermStringToQuark        | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmPutFileDatabase          | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmPutLineResource          | XrmPutResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmPutResource              | XrmPutResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmPutStringResource        | XrmPutResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQGetResource             | XrmGetResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQGetSearchList           | XrmGetResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQGetSearchResource       | XrmGetResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQPutResource             | XrmPutResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQPutStringResource       | XrmPutResource(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmQuarkToString            | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmSetDatabase              | XrmGetFileDatabase(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XrmStringToBindingQuarkList | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmStringToQuark            | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmStringToQuarkList        | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmUniqueQuark              | XrmUniqueQuark(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XrmValue                    | XrmInitialize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XRotateBuffers              | XStoreBytes(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XRotateWindowProperties     | XGetWindowProperty(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XSaveContext                | XSaveContext(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XScreenNumberOfScreen       | BlackPixelOfScreen(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XScreenResourceString       | XResourceManagerString(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSegment                    | XDrawLine(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XSelectInput                | XSelectInput(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSelectionClearEvent        | XSelectionClearEvent(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XSelectionEvent             | XSelectionEvent(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSelectionRequestEvent      | XSelectionRequestEvent(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSendEvent                  | XSendEvent(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XSetAccessControl           | XAddHost(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XSetAfterFunction           | XSynchronize(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetArcMode                 | XSetArcMode(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XSetBackground              | XSetState(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XSetClassHint               | XAllocClassHint(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSetClipMask                | XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetClipOrigin              | XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetClipRectangles          | XSetClipOrigin(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetCloseDownMode           | XSetCloseDownMode(X3xlib)      |

XSetCommand XSetCommand(X3xlib)
XSetDashes XSetLineAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetErrorHandler XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)
XSetFillRule XSetFillStyle(X3xlib)
XSetFillStyle XSetFillStyle(X3xlib)
XSetFont XSetFont(X3xlib)
XSetFontPath XSetFontPath(X3xlib)
XSetForeground XSetState(X3xlib)
XSetFunction XSetState(X3xlib)
XSetGraphicsExposure XSetArcMode(X3xlib)
XSetICFocus XSetICFocus(X3xlib)
XSetIconName XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)
XSetIconSizes XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)
XSetICValues XSetICValues(X3xlib)
* XSetIMValues XOpenIM(X3xlib)
XSetInputFocus XSetInputFocus(X3xlib)
XSetIOErrorHandler XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)
XSetLineAttributes XSetLineAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetLocaleModifiers XSupportsLocale(X3xlib)
XSetModifierMapping XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)
* XSetOCValues XCreateOC(X3xlib)
* XSetOMValues XOpenOM(X3xlib)
XSetPlanemask XSetState(X3xlib)
XSetPointerMapping XSetPointerMapping(X3xlib)
XSetRegion XCreateRegion(X3xlib)
XSetRGBColormaps XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)
XSetScreenSaver XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)
XSetSelectionOwner XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)
XSetState XSetState(X3xlib)
XSetStipple XSetTile(X3xlib)
XSetSubwindowMode XSetArcMode(X3xlib)
XSetTextProperty XSetTextProperty(X3xlib)
XSetTile XSetTile(X3xlib)
XSetTransientForHint XSetTransientForHint(X3xlib)
XSetTSOrigin XSetTile(X3xlib)
XSetWindowAttributes XCreateWindow(X3xlib)
XSetWindowBackground XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetWindowBorder XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetWindowBorderPixmap XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetWindowBorderWidth XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XSetWindowColormap XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XSetWMClientMachine XSetWMClientMachine(X3xlib)
XSetWMColormapWindows XSetWMColormapWindows(X3xlib)
XSetWMHints XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)
XSetWMIconName XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)
XSetWMName XSetWMName(X3xlib)
XSetWMNormalHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XSetWMProperties XSetWMProperties(X3xlib)

 |  | XSetCommand                | XSetCommand(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XSetDashes                 | XSetLineAttributes(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XSetErrorHandler           | XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSetFillRule               | XSetFillStyle(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetFillStyle              | XSetFillStyle(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetFont                   | XSetFont(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XSetFontPath               | XSetFontPath(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XSetForeground             | XSetState(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XSetFunction               | XSetState(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XSetGraphicsExposure       | XSetArcMode(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XSetICFocus                | XSetICFocus(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XSetIconName               | XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSetIconSizes              | XAllocIconSize(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSetICValues               | XSetICValues(X3xlib)            |
 |* | XSetIMValues               | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XSetInputFocus             | XSetInputFocus(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSetIOErrorHandler         | XSetErrorHandler(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSetLineAttributes         | XSetLineAttributes(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XSetLocaleModifiers        | XSupportsLocale(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetModifierMapping        | XChangeKeyboardMapping(X3xlib)  |
 |* | XSetOCValues               | XCreateOC(X3xlib)               |
 |* | XSetOMValues               | XOpenOM(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XSetPlanemask              | XSetState(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XSetPointerMapping         | XSetPointerMapping(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XSetRegion                 | XCreateRegion(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetRGBColormaps           | XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)  |
 |  | XSetScreenSaver            | XSetScreenSaver(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetSelectionOwner         | XSetSelectionOwner(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XSetState                  | XSetState(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XSetStipple                | XSetTile(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XSetSubwindowMode          | XSetArcMode(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XSetTextProperty           | XSetTextProperty(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSetTile                   | XSetTile(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XSetTransientForHint       | XSetTransientForHint(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XSetTSOrigin               | XSetTile(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XSetWindowAttributes       | XCreateWindow(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetWindowBackground       | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSetWindowBorder           | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSetWindowBorderPixmap     | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSetWindowBorderWidth      | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XSetWindowColormap         | XChangeWindowAttributes(X3xlib) |
 |  | XSetWMClientMachine        | XSetWMClientMachine(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XSetWMColormapWindows      | XSetWMColormapWindows(X3xlib)   |
 |  | XSetWMHints                | XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetWMIconName             | XSetWMIconName(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSetWMName                 | XSetWMName(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XSetWMNormalHints          | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XSetWMProperties           | XSetWMProperties(X3xlib)        |

XSetWMProtocols XSetWMProtocols(X3xlib)
XSetWMSizeHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XShrinkRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
XSizeHints XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)
XStandardColormap XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)
XStoreBuffer XStoreBytes(X3xlib)
XStoreBytes XStoreBytes(X3xlib)
XStoreColor XStoreColors(X3xlib)
XStoreColors XStoreColors(X3xlib)
XStoreName XSetWMName(X3xlib)
XStoreNamedColor XStoreColors(X3xlib)
XStringListToTextProperty XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XStringToKeysym XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)
XSubImage XCreateImage(X3xlib)
XSubtractRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
XSupportsLocale XSupportsLocale(X3xlib)
XSync XFlush(X3xlib)
XSynchronize XSynchronize(X3xlib)
XTextExtents XTextExtents(X3xlib)
XTextExtents16 XTextExtents(X3xlib)
XTextItem XDrawText(X3xlib)
XTextItem16 XDrawText(X3xlib)
XTextProperty XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XTextPropertyToStringList XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XTextWidth XTextWidth(X3xlib)
XTextWidth16 XTextWidth(X3xlib)
XTimeCoord XSendEvent(X3xlib)
XTranslateCoordinates XTranslateCoordinates(X3xlib)
XUndefineCursor XDefineCursor(X3xlib)
XUngrabButton XGrabButton(X3xlib)
XUngrabKey XGrabKey(X3xlib)
XUngrabKeyboard XGrabKeyboard(X3xlib)
XUngrabPointer XGrabPointer(X3xlib)
XUngrabServer XGrabServer(X3xlib)
XUninstallColormap XInstallColormap(X3xlib)
XUnionRectWithRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
XUnionRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)
XUniqueContext XSaveContext(X3xlib)
XUnloadFont XLoadFont(X3xlib)
* XUnlockDisplay XInitThreads(X3xlib)
XUnmapEvent XUnmapEvent(X3xlib)
XUnmapSubwindows XUnmapWindow(X3xlib)
XUnmapWindow XUnmapWindow(X3xlib)
* XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback XOpenIM(X3xlib)
XUnsetICFocus XSetICFocus(X3xlib)
XVaCreateNestedList XVaCreateNestedList(X3xlib)
* XVisibilityEvent XVisibilityNotifyEvent(X3xlib)
XVisibilityNotifyEvent XVisibilityNotifyEvent(X3xlib)
XVisualIDFromVisual XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)

 |  | XSetWMProtocols                  | XSetWMProtocols(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSetWMSizeHints                  | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XShrinkRegion                    | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSizeHints                       | XAllocSizeHints(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XStandardColormap                | XAllocStandardColormap(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XStoreBuffer                     | XStoreBytes(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XStoreBytes                      | XStoreBytes(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XStoreColor                      | XStoreColors(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XStoreColors                     | XStoreColors(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XStoreName                       | XSetWMName(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XStoreNamedColor                 | XStoreColors(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XStringListToTextProperty        | XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XStringToKeysym                  | XStringToKeysym(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSubImage                        | XCreateImage(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XSubtractRegion                  | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XSupportsLocale                  | XSupportsLocale(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XSync                            | XFlush(X3xlib)                    |
 |  | XSynchronize                     | XSynchronize(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XTextExtents                     | XTextExtents(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XTextExtents16                   | XTextExtents(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XTextItem                        | XDrawText(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XTextItem16                      | XDrawText(X3xlib)                 |
 |  | XTextProperty                    | XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XTextPropertyToStringList        | XStringListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XTextWidth                       | XTextWidth(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XTextWidth16                     | XTextWidth(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XTimeCoord                       | XSendEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XTranslateCoordinates            | XTranslateCoordinates(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XUndefineCursor                  | XDefineCursor(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XUngrabButton                    | XGrabButton(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XUngrabKey                       | XGrabKey(X3xlib)                  |
 |  | XUngrabKeyboard                  | XGrabKeyboard(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XUngrabPointer                   | XGrabPointer(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XUngrabServer                    | XGrabServer(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XUninstallColormap               | XInstallColormap(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XUnionRectWithRegion             | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XUnionRegion                     | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XUniqueContext                   | XSaveContext(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XUnloadFont                      | XLoadFont(X3xlib)                 |
 |* | XUnlockDisplay                   | XInitThreads(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XUnmapEvent                      | XUnmapEvent(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XUnmapSubwindows                 | XUnmapWindow(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XUnmapWindow                     | XUnmapWindow(X3xlib)              |
 |* | XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback | XOpenIM(X3xlib)                   |
 |  | XUnsetICFocus                    | XSetICFocus(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XVaCreateNestedList              | XVaCreateNestedList(X3xlib)       |
 |* | XVisibilityEvent                 | XVisibilityNotifyEvent(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XVisibilityNotifyEvent           | XVisibilityNotifyEvent(X3xlib)    |
 |  | XVisualIDFromVisual              | XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)            |

XVisualInfo XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)
XWarpPointer XWarpPointer(X3xlib)
XwcDrawImageString XmbDrawImageString(X3xlib)
XwcDrawString XmbDrawString(X3xlib)
XwcDrawText XmbDrawText(X3xlib)
XwcFreeStringList XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XwcLookupString XmbLookupString(X3xlib)
XwcResetIC XmbResetIC(X3xlib)
XwcTextEscapement XmbTextEscapement(X3xlib)
XwcTextExtents XmbTextExtents(X3xlib)
XwcTextListToTextProperty XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XwcTextPerCharExtents XmbTextPerCharExtents(X3xlib)
XwcTextPropertyToTextList XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib)
XWindowAttributes XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)
XWindowChanges XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)
XWindowEvent XNextEvent(X3xlib)
XWithdrawWindow XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)
XWMGeometry XParseGeometry(X3xlib)
XWMHints XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)
XWriteBitmapFile XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)
XXorRegion XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)

 |  | XVisualInfo               | XGetVisualInfo(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XWarpPointer              | XWarpPointer(X3xlib)              |
 |  | XwcDrawImageString        | XmbDrawImageString(X3xlib)        |
 |  | XwcDrawString             | XmbDrawString(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XwcDrawText               | XmbDrawText(X3xlib)               |
 |  | XwcFreeStringList         | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XwcLookupString           | XmbLookupString(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XwcResetIC                | XmbResetIC(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XwcTextEscapement         | XmbTextEscapement(X3xlib)         |
 |  | XwcTextExtents            | XmbTextExtents(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XwcTextListToTextProperty | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XwcTextPerCharExtents     | XmbTextPerCharExtents(X3xlib)     |
 |  | XwcTextPropertyToTextList | XmbTextListToTextProperty(X3xlib) |
 |  | XWindowAttributes         | XGetWindowAttributes(X3xlib)      |
 |  | XWindowChanges            | XConfigureWindow(X3xlib)          |
 |  | XWindowEvent              | XNextEvent(X3xlib)                |
 |  | XWithdrawWindow           | XIconifyWindow(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XWMGeometry               | XParseGeometry(X3xlib)            |
 |  | XWMHints                  | XAllocWMHints(X3xlib)             |
 |  | XWriteBitmapFile          | XReadBitmapFile(X3xlib)           |
 |  | XXorRegion                | XIntersectRegion(X3xlib)          |

X Locale - C Language Interface

For additional details refer to the following documents:

X/Open Portability Guide, Volume 3, XSI Internationalization.
Compound Text Encoding, Version 1.1, X11R5
ISO DIS 10646(UCS), 4 November 1990
ISO 639 & ISO 3166


Xlib - C Language X Interface

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004