X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


Intro -- introduction to the X Extensions library


The X Extensions library provides mechanisms that were not provided in the core protocol in Xlib.

The following table lists each of the functions and routines and the manual page on which it is discussed. Functions marked with an ``*'' are new to this release.

  Function Manual Page
* XdbeAllocateBackBufferName XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(X3xext)
* XdbeBeginIdiom XdbeBeginIdiom(X3xext)
* XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(X3xext)
* XdbeEndIdiom XdbeEndIdiom(X3xext)
* XdbeFreeVisualInfo XdbeFreeVisualInfo(X3xext)
* XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(X3xext)
* XdbeGetVisualInfo XdbeGetVisualInfo(X3xext)
* XdbeQueryExtension XdbeQueryExtension(X3xext)
* XdbeSwapBuffers XdbeSwapBuffers(X3xext)
  Xmbuf Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufChangeBufferAttributes Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufChangeWindowAttributes Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufCreateBuffers Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufCreateStereoWindow Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufDestroyBuffers Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufDisplayBuffers Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufGetBufferAttributes Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufGetScreenInfo Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufGetVersion Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufGetWindowAttributes Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XmbufQueryExtension Xmbuf(X3xext)
  XMITMiscGetBugMode MITSundryNonstandard
  XMITMiscQueryExtension MITSundryNonstandard
  XMITMiscSetBugMode MITSundryNonstandard
  XShapeCombineMask XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeCombineRectangles XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeCombineRegion XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeCombineShape XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeGetRectangles XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeInputSelected XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeOffsetShape XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeQueryExtension XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeQueryExtents XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeQueryVersion XShape(X3xext)
  XShapeSelectInput XShape(X3xext)
  XShm XShm(X3xext)
  XShmAttach XShm(X3xext)
  XShmCreateImage XShm(X3xext)
  XShmCreatePixmap XShm(X3xext)
  XShmDetach XShm(X3xext)
  XShmGetEventBase XShm(X3xext)
  XShmGetImage XShm(X3xext)
  XShmPixmapFormat XShm(X3xext)
  XShmPutImage XShm(X3xext)
  XShmQueryExtension XShm(X3xext)
  XShmQueryVersion XShm(X3xext)
  XTestCompareCurrentCursorWithWindow XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestCompareCursorWithWindow XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestContextOfGC XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestDiscard XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeButtonEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeDeviceButtonEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeDeviceKeyEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeDeviceMotionEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeInput XTest(X3xext)
  XTestFakeKeyEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeMotionEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeProximityEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestFlush XTest(X3xext)
  XTestGetInput XTest(X3xext)
  XTestGrabControl XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestMovePointer XTest(X3xext)
  XTestPressButton XTest(X3xext)
  XTestPressKey XTest(X3xext)
  XTestQueryExtension XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestQueryInputSize XTest(X3xext)
  XTestReset XTest(X3xext)
  XTestSetVisualIDOfVisual XTEST(X3xext)
  XTestStartSimulation XTest(X3xext)
  XTestStopInput XTest(X3xext)
  XTestStopSimulation XTest(X3xext)

 |  | Function                            | Manual Page                          |
 |* | XdbeAllocateBackBufferName          | XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(X3xext)   |
 |* | XdbeBeginIdiom                      | XdbeBeginIdiom(X3xext)               |
 |* | XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName        | XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(X3xext) |
 |* | XdbeEndIdiom                        | XdbeEndIdiom(X3xext)                 |
 |* | XdbeFreeVisualInfo                  | XdbeFreeVisualInfo(X3xext)           |
 |* | XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes         | XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(X3xext)  |
 |* | XdbeGetVisualInfo                   | XdbeGetVisualInfo(X3xext)            |
 |* | XdbeQueryExtension                  | XdbeQueryExtension(X3xext)           |
 |* | XdbeSwapBuffers                     | XdbeSwapBuffers(X3xext)              |
 |  | Xmbuf                               | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufChangeBufferAttributes         | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufChangeWindowAttributes         | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufCreateBuffers                  | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufCreateStereoWindow             | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufDestroyBuffers                 | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufDisplayBuffers                 | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufGetBufferAttributes            | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufGetScreenInfo                  | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufGetVersion                     | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufGetWindowAttributes            | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XmbufQueryExtension                 | Xmbuf(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XMITMiscGetBugMode                  | MITSundryNonstandard                 |
 |  | XMITMiscQueryExtension              | MITSundryNonstandard                 |
 |  | XMITMiscSetBugMode                  | MITSundryNonstandard                 |
 |  | XShapeCombineMask                   | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeCombineRectangles             | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeCombineRegion                 | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeCombineShape                  | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeGetRectangles                 | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeInputSelected                 | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeOffsetShape                   | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeQueryExtension                | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeQueryExtents                  | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeQueryVersion                  | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShapeSelectInput                   | XShape(X3xext)                       |
 |  | XShm                                | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmAttach                          | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmCreateImage                     | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmCreatePixmap                    | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmDetach                          | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmGetEventBase                    | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmGetImage                        | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmPixmapFormat                    | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmPutImage                        | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmQueryExtension                  | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XShmQueryVersion                    | XShm(X3xext)                         |
 |  | XTestCompareCurrentCursorWithWindow | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestCompareCursorWithWindow        | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestContextOfGC                    | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestDiscard                        | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeButtonEvent                | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeDeviceButtonEvent          | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeDeviceKeyEvent             | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeDeviceMotionEvent          | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeInput                      | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeKeyEvent                   | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeMotionEvent                | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeProximityEvent             | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFakeRelativeMotionEvent        | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestFlush                          | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestGetInput                       | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestGrabControl                    | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestMovePointer                    | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestPressButton                    | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestPressKey                       | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestQueryExtension                 | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestQueryInputSize                 | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestReset                          | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestSetVisualIDOfVisual            | XTEST(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestStartSimulation                | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestStopInput                      | XTest(X3xext)                        |
 |  | XTestStopSimulation                 | XTest(X3xext)                        |


Xlib - C Language X Interface

© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004