X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


DBE -- Double


The Double Buffer Extension (DBE) provides a standard way to utilize double-buffering within the framework of the X Window System. Double-buffering uses two buffers, called front and back, which hold images. The front buffer is visible to the user; the back buffer is not. Successive frames of an animation are rendered into the back buffer while the previously rendered frame is displayed in the front buffer. When a new frame is ready, the back and front buffers swap roles, making the new frame visible. Ideally, this exchange appears to happen instantaneously to the user, with no visual artifacts. Thus, only completely rendered images are presented to the user, and remain visible during the entire time it takes to render a new frame. The result is a flicker-free animation.



Window management operations

Complex swap actions


XdbeAllocateBackBufferName(X3xext), XdbeBeginIdiom(X3xext), XdbeDeallocateBackBufferName(X3xext), XdbeEndIdiom(X3xext), XdbeFreeVisualInfo(X3xext), XdbeGetBackBufferAttributes(X3xext), XdbeGetVisualInfo(X3xext), XdbeQueryExtension(X3xext), XdbeSwapBuffers(X3xext).
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004