
XmDropSiteStartUpdate -- a Drag and Drop function that facilitates processing updates to multiple drop sites


#include <Xm/DragDrop.h>

void XmDropSiteStartUpdate (widget) Widget widget;


XmDropSiteStartUpdate is used in conjunction with XmDropSiteEndUpdate to process updates to multiple drop sites within the same shell widget. XmDropSiteStartUpdate and XmDropSiteEndUpdate signal the beginning and the end respectively of a series of calls to XmDropSiteUpdate. Calls to XmDropSiteStartUpdate and XmDropSiteEndUpdate can be recursively stacked. Using these routines optimizes the processing of update information.

Specifies the ID of any widget within a given hierarchy. The function uses this widget to identify the shell that contains the drop sites.

For a complete definition of DropSite and its associated resources, see XmDropSite(X3mot).


XmDropSite(X3mot), XmDropSiteEndUpdate(X3mot) and XmDropSiteUpdate(X3mot).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004