
VendorShell -- the VendorShell widget class


#include <Xm/Xm.h>
#include <X11/Shell.h>


VendorShell is a Motif widget class used as a supporting superclass for all shell classes that are visible to the window manager and that are not override redirect. It contains resources that describe the MWM-specific look and feel. It also manages the MWM-specific communication needed by all VendorShell subclasses. See the mwm(X3mot) man page for more information.

If an application uses the XmNmwmDecorations, XmNmwmFunctions, or XmNmwmInputMode resource, it should include the file <Xm/MwmUtil.F>.

Setting XmNheight, XmNwidth, or XmNborderWidth for either a VendorShell or its managed child usually sets that resource to the same value in both the parent and the child. When an off-the-spot input method exists, the height and width of the shell may be greater than those of the managed child in order to accommodate the input method. In this case setting XmNheight or XmNwidth for the shell does not necessarily set that resource to the same value in the managed child, and setting XmNheight or XmNwidth for the child does not necessarily set that resource to the same value in the shell.

For the managed child of a VendorShell, regardless of the value of the shell's XmNallowShellResize, setting XmNx or XmNy sets the corresponding resource of the parent but does not change the child's position relative to the parent. XtGetValues for the child's XmNx or XmNy yields the value of the corresponding resource in the parent. The x and y coordinates of the child's upper left outside corner relative to the parent's upper left inside corner are both zero minus the value of XmNborderWidth.

Note that the Inter-Client Communication Conventions Manual allows a window manager to change or control the border width of a reparented top-level window.


VendorShell inherits behavior and resources from Core, Composite, Shell, and WMShell classes.

The class pointer is vendorShellWidgetClass.

The class name is VendorShell.

New resources

The following table defines a set of widget resources used by the programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget. To reference a subresource by name or by class in a .Xdefaults file, remove the ``XmN'' or ``XmC'' prefix and use the remaining letters. To specify one of the defined values for a subresource in a .Xdefaults file, remove the ``Xm'' prefix and use the remaining letters (in either lowercase or uppercase, but include any underscores between words). The codes in the access column indicate if the given subresource can be set at creation time (C), set by using XtSetValues (S), retrieved by using XtGetValues (G), or is not applicable (N/A).

VendorShell resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNaudibleWarning XmCAudibleWarning unsigned char XmBELL CSG
XmNbuttonFontList XmCButtonFontList XmFontList dynamic CSG
XmNdefaultFontList XmCDefaultFontList XmFontList dynamic CG
XmNdeleteResponse XmCDeleteResponse unsigned char XmDESTROY CSG
XmNinputMethod XmCInputMethod String NULL CSG
XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy unsigned char XmEXPLICIT
XmNlabelFontList XmCLabelFontList XmFontList dynamic CSG
XmNmwmDecorations XmCMwmDecorations int -1 CSG
XmNmwmFunctions XmCMwmFunctions int -1 CSG
XmNmwmInputMode XmCMwmInputMode int -1 CSG
XmNmwmMenu XmCMwmMenu String NULL CSG
XmNpreeditType XmCPreeditType String dynamic CSG
XmNshellUnitType XmCShellUnitType unsigned char XmPIXELS CSG
XmNtextFontList XmCTextFontList XmFontList dynamic CSG
XmNuseAsyncGeometry XmCUseAsyncGeometry Boolean False CSG

 |Name                   | Class                  | Type          | Default   | Access     |
 |XmNaudibleWarning      | XmCAudibleWarning      | unsigned char | XmBELL    | CSG        |
 |XmNbuttonFontList      | XmCButtonFontList      | XmFontList    | dynamic   | CSG        |
 |XmNdefaultFontList     | XmCDefaultFontList     | XmFontList    | dynamic   | CG         |
 |XmNdeleteResponse      | XmCDeleteResponse      | unsigned char | XmDESTROY | CSG        |
 |XmNinputMethod         | XmCInputMethod         | String        | NULL      | CSG        |
 |XmNkeyboardFocusPolicy | XmCKeyboardFocusPolicy | unsigned      | char      | XmEXPLICIT |
 |XmNlabelFontList       | XmCLabelFontList       | XmFontList    | dynamic   | CSG        |
 |XmNmwmDecorations      | XmCMwmDecorations      | int           | -1        | CSG        |
 |XmNmwmFunctions        | XmCMwmFunctions        | int           | -1        | CSG        |
 |XmNmwmInputMode        | XmCMwmInputMode        | int           | -1        | CSG        |
 |XmNmwmMenu             | XmCMwmMenu             | String        | NULL      | CSG        |
 |XmNpreeditType         | XmCPreeditType         | String        | dynamic   | CSG        |
 |XmNshellUnitType       | XmCShellUnitType       | unsigned char | XmPIXELS  | CSG        |
 |XmNtextFontList        | XmCTextFontList        | XmFontList    | dynamic   | CSG        |
 |XmNuseAsyncGeometry    | XmCUseAsyncGeometry    | Boolean       | False     | CSG        |

Determines whether an action activates its associated audible cue. The possible values are: XmBELL and XmNONE.

Specifies the font list used for VendorShell's button descendants. If this value is NULL at initialization and if the value of XmNdefaultFontList is not NULL, XmNbuttonFontList is initialized to the value of XmNdefaultFontList. If the value of XmNdefaultFontList is NULL, XmNbuttonFontList is initialized by looking up the parent hierarchy of the widget for an ancestor that is a subclass of the XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell widget class. If such an ancestor is found, XmNbuttonFontList is initialized to the XmNbuttonFontList of the ancestor widget. If no such ancestor is found, the default is implementation dependent.

Specifies a default font list for VendorShell's descendants. This resource is obsolete and exists for compatibility with earlier releases. It has been replaced by XmNbuttonFontList, XmNlabelFontList, and XmNtextFontList.

Determines what action the shell takes in response to a WM_DELETE_WINDOW message. The setting can be one of three values: XmDESTROY, XmUNMAP, and XmDO_NOTHING. The resource is scanned, and the appropriate action is taken, after the WM_DELETE_WINDOW callback list (if any) that is registered with the Protocol manager has been called.

Specifies the string that sets the locale modifier for the input method.

Determines allocation of keyboard focus within the widget hierarchy rooted at this shell. The X keyboard focus must be directed to somewhere in the hierarchy for this client-side focus management to take effect. Possible values are XmEXPLICIT, specifying a click-to-type policy, and XmPOINTER, specifying a pointer-driven policy.

Specifies the font list used for VendorShell's label descendants (Labels and LabelGadgets). If this value is NULL at initialization and if the value of XmNdefaultFontList is not NULL, XmNlabelFontList is initialized to the value of XmNdefaultFontList. If the value of XmNdefaultFontList is NULL, XmNlabelFontList is initialized by looking up the parent hierarchy of the widget for an ancestor that is a subclass of the XmBulletinBoard, VendorShell, or XmMenuShell widget class. If such an ancestor is found, XmNlabelFontList is initialized to the XmNlabelFontList of the ancestor widget. If no such ancestor is found, the default is implementation dependent.

Specifies the decoration flags (specific decorations to add or remove from the window manager frame) for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property. If any decoration flags are specified by the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, only decorations indicated by both that property and the MWM clientDecoration and transientDecoration resources are displayed. If no decoration flags are specified by the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, decorations indicated by the MWM clientDecoration and transientDecoration resources are displayed. The default for the XmNmwmDecorations resource is not to specify any decoration flags for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property.

The value of this resource is the bitwise inclusive OR of one or more flag bits. Following are the possible flag bit constants, defined in the include file <Xm/MwmUtil.h>:

Specifies the function flags (specific window manager functions to apply or not apply to the client window) for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property. If any function flags are specified by the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, only functions indicated by both that property and theMWM clientFunctions and transientFunctions resources are applied. If no function flags are specified by the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, functions indicated by the MWM clientFunctions and transientFunctions resources are applied. The default for the XmNmwmFunctions resource is not to specify any function flags for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property.

The value of this resource is the bitwise inclusive OR of one or more flag bits. Following are the possible flag bit constants, defined in the include file <Xm/MwmUtil.h>:

Specifies the input mode flag (application modal or system modal input constraints) for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property. If no input mode flag is specified by the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property, no input constraints are applied, and input goes to any window. The default for the XmNmwmInputMode resource is not to specify any input mode flag for the _MOTIF_WM_HINTS property.

An application that sets input constraints on a dialog usually uses the BulletinBoard's XmNdialogStyle resource rather than the parent DialogShell's XmNmwmInputMode resource.

Following are the possible values for this resource, defined in the include file <Xm/MwmUtil.h>:

Specifies the menu items that the Motif window manager should add to the end of the window menu. The string contains a list of items separated by -- with the following format:

label [mnemonic] [accelerator] function

If more than one item is specified, the items should be separated by a newline character.

Specifies the input method style or styles available to the input manager. The syntax, possible values, and default value are implementation dependent.

If more than one style is specified, the list is in priority order. The input manager uses the first style if it is available; if not, it uses the second style, and so on. The supported input method styles are:

The pre-edit window is located over the point of insertion.

The pre-edit window is not located over the point of insertion. In this case, the pre-edit window is often located at the bottom of the application window.

The pre-edit window is a child of the root window.

If no input method style in this list is available, the input manager can support another input style method, but only if it does not require geometry management or any additional supporting information.

The Xlib XIMStyles data structure stores preedit information that describes the requirements for a given input method style. The three styles identified by XmNpreeditType are related to the preedit settings in an XIMStyles structure. The input styles, OverTheSpot, OffTheSpot and Root, correspond respectively to the settings XIMPreEditPosition, XIMPreEditArea, and XIMPreEditNothing.

Determines geometric resource interpretation. The following values are allowed:

Specifies the font list used for VendorShell's Text and List descendants. If this value is NULL at initialization and if the value of XmNdefaultFontList is not NULL, XmNtextFontList is initialized to the value of XmNdefaultFontList. If the value of XmNdefaultFontList is NULL, XmNtextFontList is initialized by looking up the parent hierarchy of the widget for an ancestor that is a subclass of the XmBulletinBoard or VendorShell widget class. If such an ancestor is found, XmNtextFontList is initialized to the XmNtextFontList of the ancestor widget. If no such ancestor is found, the default is implementation dependent.

Specifies whether the geometry manager should wait for confirmation of a geometry request to the window manager. When the value of this resource is True, the geometry manager forces XmNwaitForWm to False and XmNwmTimeout to 0, and it relies on asynchronous notification. When the value of this resource is False, XmNwaitForWm and XmNwmTimeout are unaffected. The default is False.

Inherited resources

VendorShell inherits behavior and resources from the following superclasses. For a complete description of each resource, refer to the man page for that superclass.

WMShell resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNbaseHeight XmCBaseHeight int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNbaseWidth XmCBaseWidth int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNheightInc XmCHeightInc int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNiconMask XmCIconMask Pixmap NULL CSG
XmNiconPixmap XmCIconPixmap Pixmap NULL CSG
XmNiconWindow XmCIconWindow Window NULL CSG
XmNiconX XmCIconX int -1 CSG
XmNiconY XmCIconY int -1 CSG
XmNinitialState XmCInitialState int NormalState CSG
XmNinput XmCInput Boolean True CSG
XmNmaxAspectX XmCMaxAspectX int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNmaxAspectY XmCMaxAspectY int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNmaxHeight XmCMaxHeight int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNmaxWidth XmCMaxWidth int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNminAspectX XmCMinAspectX int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNminAspectY XmCMinAspectY int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNminHeight XmCMinHeight int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNminWidth XmCMinWidth int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNtitle XmCTitle String dynamic CSG
XmNtitleEncoding XmCTitleEncoding Atom dynamic CSG
XmNtransient XmCTransient Boolean False CSG
XmNwaitForWm XmCWaitForWm Boolean True CSG
XmNwidthInc XmCWidthInc int XtUnspecifiedShellInt CSG
XmNwindowGroup XmCWindowGroup Window dynamic CSG
XmNwinGravity XmCWinGravity int dynamic CSG
XmNwmTimeout XmCWmTimeout int 5000 ms CSG

 |Name             | Class            | Type    | Default               | Access |
 |XmNbaseHeight    | XmCBaseHeight    | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNbaseWidth     | XmCBaseWidth     | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNheightInc     | XmCHeightInc     | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNiconMask      | XmCIconMask      | Pixmap  | NULL                  | CSG    |
 |XmNiconPixmap    | XmCIconPixmap    | Pixmap  | NULL                  | CSG    |
 |XmNiconWindow    | XmCIconWindow    | Window  | NULL                  | CSG    |
 |XmNiconX         | XmCIconX         | int     | -1                    | CSG    |
 |XmNiconY         | XmCIconY         | int     | -1                    | CSG    |
 |XmNinitialState  | XmCInitialState  | int     | NormalState           | CSG    |
 |XmNinput         | XmCInput         | Boolean | True                  | CSG    |
 |XmNmaxAspectX    | XmCMaxAspectX    | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNmaxAspectY    | XmCMaxAspectY    | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNmaxHeight     | XmCMaxHeight     | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNmaxWidth      | XmCMaxWidth      | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNminAspectX    | XmCMinAspectX    | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNminAspectY    | XmCMinAspectY    | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNminHeight     | XmCMinHeight     | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNminWidth      | XmCMinWidth      | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNtitle         | XmCTitle         | String  | dynamic               | CSG    |
 |XmNtitleEncoding | XmCTitleEncoding | Atom    | dynamic               | CSG    |
 |XmNtransient     | XmCTransient     | Boolean | False                 | CSG    |
 |XmNwaitForWm     | XmCWaitForWm     | Boolean | True                  | CSG    |
 |XmNwidthInc      | XmCWidthInc      | int     | XtUnspecifiedShellInt | CSG    |
 |XmNwindowGroup   | XmCWindowGroup   | Window  | dynamic               | CSG    |
 |XmNwinGravity    | XmCWinGravity    | int     | dynamic               | CSG    |
 |XmNwmTimeout     | XmCWmTimeout     | int     | 5000 ms               | CSG    |

Shell resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNallowShellResize XmCAllowShellResize Boolean False CG
XmNcreatePopupChildProc XmCCreatePopupChildProc XtCreatePopupChildProc NULL CSG
XmNgeometry XmCGeometry String NULL CSG
XmNoverrideRedirect XmCOverrideRedirect Boolean False CSG
XmNpopdownCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNpopupCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNsaveUnder XmCSaveUnder Boolean False CSG
XmNvisual XmCVisual Visual * CopyFromParent CSG

 |Name                    | Class                   | Type                   | Default        | Access |
 |XmNallowShellResize     | XmCAllowShellResize     | Boolean                | False          | CG     |
 |XmNcreatePopupChildProc | XmCCreatePopupChildProc | XtCreatePopupChildProc | NULL           | CSG    |
 |XmNgeometry             | XmCGeometry             | String                 | NULL           | CSG    |
 |XmNoverrideRedirect     | XmCOverrideRedirect     | Boolean                | False          | CSG    |
 |XmNpopdownCallback      | XmCCallback             | XtCallbackList         | NULL           | C      |
 |XmNpopupCallback        | XmCCallback             | XtCallbackList         | NULL           | C      |
 |XmNsaveUnder            | XmCSaveUnder            | Boolean                | False          | CSG    |
 |XmNvisual               | XmCVisual               | Visual *               | CopyFromParent | CSG    |

Composite resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNchildren XmCReadOnly WidgetList NULL G
XmNinsertPosition XmCInsertPosition XtOrderProc NULL CSG
XmNnumChildren XmCReadOnly Cardinal 0 G

 |Name              | Class             | Type        | Default | Access |
 |XmNchildren       | XmCReadOnly       | WidgetList  | NULL    | G      |
 |XmNinsertPosition | XmCInsertPosition | XtOrderProc | NULL    | CSG    |
 |XmNnumChildren    | XmCReadOnly       | Cardinal    | 0       | G      |

Core resource set

Name Class Type Default Access
XmNaccelerators XmCAccelerators XtAccelerators dynamic CSG
XmNancestorSensitive XmCSensitive Boolean dynamic G
XmNbackground XmCBackground Pixel dynamic CSG
XmNbackgroundPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderColor XmCBorderColor Pixel XtDefaultForeground CSG
XmNborderPixmap XmCPixmap Pixmap XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP CSG
XmNborderWidth XmCBorderWidth Dimension 1 CSG
XmNcolormap XmCColormap Colormap dynamic CG
XmNdepth XmCDepth int dynamic CG
XmNdestroyCallback XmCCallback XtCallbackList NULL C
XmNheight XmCHeight Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNinitialResourcesPersistent XmCInitialResourcesPersistent Boolean True C
XmNmappedWhenManaged XmCMappedWhenManaged Boolean True CSG
XmNscreen XmCScreen Screen * dynamic CG
XmNsensitive XmCSensitive Boolean True CSG
XmNtranslations XmCTranslations XtTranslations dynamic CSG
XmNwidth XmCWidth Dimension dynamic CSG
XmNx XmCPosition Position 0 CSG
XmNy XmCPosition Position 0 CSG

 |Name                          | Class                         | Type           | Default              | Access |
 |XmNaccelerators               | XmCAccelerators               | XtAccelerators | dynamic              | CSG    |
 |XmNancestorSensitive          | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | dynamic              | G      |
 |XmNbackground                 | XmCBackground                 | Pixel          | dynamic              | CSG    |
 |XmNbackgroundPixmap           | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
 |XmNborderColor                | XmCBorderColor                | Pixel          | XtDefaultForeground  | CSG    |
 |XmNborderPixmap               | XmCPixmap                     | Pixmap         | XmUNSPECIFIED_PIXMAP | CSG    |
 |XmNborderWidth                | XmCBorderWidth                | Dimension      | 1                    | CSG    |
 |XmNcolormap                   | XmCColormap                   | Colormap       | dynamic              | CG     |
 |XmNdepth                      | XmCDepth                      | int            | dynamic              | CG     |
 |XmNdestroyCallback            | XmCCallback                   | XtCallbackList | NULL                 | C      |
 |XmNheight                     | XmCHeight                     | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
 |XmNinitialResourcesPersistent | XmCInitialResourcesPersistent | Boolean        | True                 | C      |
 |XmNmappedWhenManaged          | XmCMappedWhenManaged          | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
 |XmNscreen                     | XmCScreen                     | Screen *       | dynamic              | CG     |
 |XmNsensitive                  | XmCSensitive                  | Boolean        | True                 | CSG    |
 |XmNtranslations               | XmCTranslations               | XtTranslations | dynamic              | CSG    |
 |XmNwidth                      | XmCWidth                      | Dimension      | dynamic              | CSG    |
 |XmNx                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |
 |XmNy                          | XmCPosition                   | Position       | 0                    | CSG    |


There are no translations for VendorShell.


Composite(X3mot), Core(X3mot), mwm(X3mot), Shell(X3mot), WMShell(X3mot), XmActivateProtocol(X3mot), XmActivateWMProtocol(X3mot), XmAddProtocolCallback(X3mot), XmAddWMProtocolCallback(X3mot), XmAddProtocols(X3mot), XmAddWMProtocols(X3mot), XmDeactivateProtocol(X3mot), XmDeactivateWMProtocol(X3mot), XmGetAtomName(X3mot), XmInternAtom(X3mot), XmIsMotifWMRunning(X3mot), XmRemoveProtocolCallback(X3mot), XmRemoveWMProtocolCallback(X3mot), XmRemoveProtocols(X3mot), XmRemoveWMProtocols(X3mot), XmScreen(X3mot), XmSetProtocolHooks(X3mot) and XmSetWMProtocolHooks(X3mot).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004