
MrmOpenHierarchy -- allocates a hierarchy ID and opens all the UID files in the hierarchy


#include <Mrm/MrmPublic.h>

Cardinal MrmOpenHierarchy(num_files, file_names_list, ancillary_structures_list, hierarchy_id) MrmCount num_files; String file_names_list[]; MrmOsOpenParamPtr *ancillary_structures_list; MrmHierarchy *hierarchy_id;


This routine is obsolete and exists for compatibility with previous releases. It is replaced by MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay. MrmOpenHierarchy is identical to MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay except that MrmOpenHierarchy does not take a display argument.

Specifies the number of files in the name list.

Specifies an array of character strings that identify the UID files.

A list of operating-system-dependent ancillary structures corresponding to such things as filenames, clobber flag, and so forth. This argument should be NULL for most operations. If you need to reference this structure, see the definition of MrmOsOpenParamPtr in MrmPublic.h for more information.

Returns the search hierarchy ID. The search hierarchy ID identifies the list of UID files that MRM searches (in order) when performing subsequent fetch calls.

Each UID file string in file_names_list can specify either a full pathname or a filename. If a UID file string has a leading slash (/), it specifies a full pathname, and MRM opens the file as specified. Otherwise, the UID file string specifies a filename. In this case MRM looks for the file along a search path specified by the UIDPATH environment variable or by a default search path, which varies depending on whether or not the XAPPLRESDIR environment variable is set.

The UIDPATH environment variable specifies a search path and naming conventions associated with UID files. It can contain the substitution field %U, where the UID file string from the file_names_list argument to MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay is substituted for %U. It can also contain the substitution fields accepted by XtResolvePathname. The substitution field %T is always mapped to ``uid''. The entire path is first searched with %S mapped to ``.uid'' and then, if no file is found, is searched again with %S mapped to NULL.

If no display is set prior to calling this function, the result of this function's call to XtResolvePathname is undefined.

For example, the following UIDPATH value and MrmOpenHierarchy call cause MRM to open two separate UID files:

   static char *uid_files[] = {"/usr/users/me/test.uid", "test2"};
   MrmHierarchy  *Hierarchy_id;
   MrmOpenHierarchy((MrmCount)2,uid_files, NULL, Hierarchy_id)
MRM opens the first file, /usr/users/me/test.uid, as specified in the file_names_list argument to MrmOpenHierarchy, because the UID file string in the file_names_list argument specifies a full pathname. MRM looks for the second file, test2, first as /uidlib/%L/test2.uid and second as /uidlib/test2/%L, where the display's language string is substituted for %L.

After MrmOpenHierarchy opens the UID hierarchy, you should not delete or modify the UID files until you close the UID hierarchy by calling MrmCloseHierarchy.

If UIDPATH is not set but the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR is set, MRM searches the following pathnames:

If neither UIDPATH nor XAPPLRESDIR is set, MRM searches the following pathnames:
These paths are defaults that vendors may change. For example, a vendor may use different directories for /usr/lib/X11 and /usr/include/X11.

The following substitutions are used in these paths:

The UID file string, from the file_names_list argument.

The class name of the application.

The display's language string.

The language component of the display's language string.

The suffix to the file name. The entire path is searched first with a suffix of ``.uil'', and if no file is found, it is searched again with a NULL suffix.

Return values

This function returns one of these status return constants:

The function executed successfully.

File not found.

The function failed.


MrmOpenHierarchyPerDisplay(X3mot) and MrmCloseHierarchy(X3mot).
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004