X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


xlswins -- server window list displayer for X


xlswins [-options ...] [window id ...]


Xlswins lists the window tree. By default, the root window is used as the starting point, although a specific window may be specified using the -id option. If no specific windows are given on the command line, the root window will be used.


-display displayname
specifies the X server to contact.

indicates that a long listing should be generated for each window. This includes a number indicating the depth, the geometry relative to the parent as well as the location relative to the root window.

-format radix
specifies the radix to use when printing out window ids. Allowable values are:

The default is hex.

-indent number
specifies the number of spaces that should be indented for each level in the window tree. The default is 2.


gets the default host and display to use.


X(X1M), Xsco(X1M), xwininfo(X1), xprop(X1).
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004