X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


resize -- utility to set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current window size


resize [-u] [-s [row col]]


resize prints a shell command for setting the TERM and TERMCAP environment variables to indicate the current size of the scoterm or xterm window from which the command is run. For this output to take effect, resize must either be evaluated as part of the command line (usually done with a shell alias or function) or else redirected to a file which can then be read in.

From the C shell (usually known as /bin/csh), the following alias can be defined in the user's .cshrc:

alias resize '/usr/bin/X11/resize|egrep \´(LINES|COLUMNS)\´ \\

>! ~/.resize; source ~/.resize'

From the Korn shell (/bin/ksh), the following alias can be defined in the user's .profile:

alias resize='eval `/usr/bin/X11/resize`'

After setting the csh or ksh aliases, after resizing a window but before running an application, type:


From the Bourne shell (/bin/sh, after resizing a window but before running an application, type:

eval `/usr/bin/X11/resize`


The following options may be used with resize:

This option indicates that Bourne shell commands should be generated even if the user's current shell is not /bin/sh.

This option indicates that C shell commands should be generated even if the user's current shell is not /bin/csh.

-s [rows columns]
This option indicates that that Sun console escape sequences will be used instead of the special xterm escape code. If rows and columns are given, resize will ask the xterm window to resize itself. However, the window manager may choose to disallow the change.


for the base termcap entry to modify

user's alias for the command


csh(1), tset(1), xterm(X1)

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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004