X Version 11 (Release 6.1)


Object Builder -- build or modify Desktop objects

Command syntax


Desktop access

Double-click on the Object Builder icon in the Controls window.


Object Builder builds Desktop objects. It defines the object by associating an icon picture with the actions taken when a user double-clicks on the object and the actions taken when a user drops an icon on the object.

Scripts used to define double-click actions and drag and drop actions must use the Deskshell command language.

Command options

The objbld command supports the standard X3xt options.

Desktop options


This controls which bitmap or pixmap icon is associated with the object. You can drop an icon on the Object Builder window or select a picture file with the Picture menu item on the Install menu.

Double-click actions

This controls the actions taken when a user double-clicks on the object. The actions for button 1 can be defined separately from those for button 2.

You can select actions for an object using one of the following methods:

Drag and drop actions

This controls the actions taken when a user drops an icon on the object. The actions for buttons 1 and 2 can be defined separately from those for buttons 1 and 2 with the <Ctrl> key depressed.




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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004