
dtgreet -- login screen



NOTE: The dtgreet utility is run automatically by dtlogin(X1) to create a login screen display. It is not necessary to run dtgreet from the command line.


The dtgreet utility is used by dtlogin to display the login screen on a display. There will be one dtgreet process per display on which a login screen is visible.

All customization of the login screen is done via dtlogin configuration files. Refer to the dtlogin(X1) manual page for information regarding login screen customization.

NOTE: Login scripts from earlier SCO releases continue to be supported for ``Backward compatibility'':

SCO OpenServer

SCO UnixWare 1 and 2
enable_glogin and disable_glogin
However, they now call a script that invokes dtlogin. They will be obsoleted in a future release.

Login window

The Login window allows the user to enter a user ID and password, select a startup session and select a startup locale. User may also reset the X server or temporarily suspend the X server to access the character login prompt.

Contents of Login window:

login field
Entry field to enter user ID.

password field
Entry field to enter user password (no-echo).

Authenticate user and launches session.

Start Over
Clear login and password field.

Display menu for session, locale, reset and no-windows.

Display help message.

Login window -- options menu

Allows user to select locale name and login session type. Also allows user to restart the X server or switch to a character login prompt (for local displays).

Contents of Options Menu:

Show Languages menu.

Reload Login
Restart X Server and return to login screen.

Show Sessions menu.

Login window -- sessions menu

Allows user to select which session type should be started upon login.

Contents of Sessions Menu:

UnixWare 7 CDE
Start a CDE desktop session (Xsession)

Panorama Session
Start a pmwm(X1) (Panorama) desktop session

Failsafe Session
Start a fail-safe session (Xfailsafe). This enables a minimal graphical login, xterm(X1) by default, to repair dysfunctional login environments; see dtlogin(X1) for more information.

Login window -- languages menu

Selecting the language from the login screen Options menu immediately localizes the login screen and sets LANG for the next session. Login screen localization and LANG return to the default value upon conclusion of the session. The contents of this menu can vary depending upon the locales installed on the system and can be overridden by using the languageList resource. The default locale of C can be overridden using the language resource.

The system or languageList locales specified are displayed as menu items in the Languages menu. Alternate text to be displayed may be specified for a given locale name by using the languageName resource.



Backward compatibility

Login utilities from earlier SCO releases can be used to a limited extent to control dtgreet:

SCO OpenServer
scologin [start | stop | query | enable | disable]

starts dtlogin if it is not already running

stops dtlogin

returns the current state of the dtlogin process

disables desktop auto-start; that is, stops the current dtlogin process and prevents dtlogin from starting when the system re-boots

enables desktop auto-start; that is, ensures that dtlogin starts when the system re-boots and starts the dtlogin process if it is not already running

scologin init is not enabled.

SCO UnixWare 1 and 2
enable_glogin enables desktop auto-start; that is, ensures that dtlogin starts when the system re-boots and starts the dtlogin process if it is not already running

disable_glogin disables desktop auto-start; that is, stops the current dtlogin process and prevents dtlogin from starting when the system re-boots

Standards conformance

dtgreet is not part of any currently supported standard; it was developed by TriTeal Corporation as part of the TriTeal Enterprise Desktop (TED) and is used by permission.
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004