
timod -- Transport Interface cooperating STREAMS module


timod is a STREAMS module for use with the Transport Interface (TI) functions of the Network Services library. The timod module converts a set of ioctl(2) calls into STREAMS messages that may be consumed by a transport protocol provider which supports the Transport Interface. This allows a user to initiate certain TI functions as atomic operations.

The timod module must be pushed onto only a stream terminated by a transport protocol provider which supports the TI.

All STREAMS messages, with the exception of the message types generated from the ioctl commands described below, will be transparently passed to the neighboring STREAMS module or driver. The messages generated from the following ioctl commands are recognized and processed by the timod module. The format of the ioctl call is:

   #include <sys/stropts.h>
   struct strioctl strioctl;
   strioctl.ic_cmd = cmd;
   strioctl.ic_timeout = INFTIM;
   strioctl.ic_len = size;
   strioctl.ic_dp = (char *)buf
   ioctl(fildes, I_STR, &strioctl);
Where, on issuance, size is the size of the appropriate TI message to be sent to the transport provider and on return size is the size of the appropriate TI message from the transport provider in response to the issued TI message. buf is a pointer to a buffer large enough to hold the contents of the appropriate TI messages. The TI message types are defined in sys/tihdr.h. The possible values for the cmd field are:

Bind an address to the underlying transport protocol provider. The message issued to the TI_BIND ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_BIND_REQ and the message returned by the successful completion of the ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_BIND_ACK.

Unbind an address from the underlying transport protocol provider. The message issued to the TI_UNBIND ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_UNBIND_REQ and the message returned by the successful completion of the ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_OK_ACK.

Get the TI protocol specific information from the transport protocol provider. The message issued to the TI_GETINFO ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_INFO_REQ and the message returned by the successful completion of the ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_INFO_ACK.

Get, set or negotiate protocol specific options with the transport protocol provider. The message issued to the TI_OPTMGMT ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_OPTMGMT_REQ and the message returned by the successful completion of the ioctl is equivalent to the TI message type T_OPTMGMT_ACK.



Return values

If the ioctl system call returns with a value greater than 0, the lower 8 bits of the return value will be one of the TI error codes as defined in sys/xti.h. If the TI error is of type TSYSERR, then the next 8 bits of the return value will contain an error as defined in sys/errno.h, see intro(2).


© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004