
Ftab -- file that specifies function tables for kernel modules


One of the Installable Driver/Tunable Parameters kernel configuration files, an Ftab file, contains specifications of function tables. Function tables are null-terminated arrays of pointers to functions. A function table points to all named entry points of a specified type in all statically-configured modules.

When the Ftab component of a module's Driver Software Package (DSP) is installed, idinstall(1M) stores the module's Ftab file information in /etc/conf/ftab.d/module-name, where the file module-name is the name of the module being installed. Package scripts should never access /etc/conf/ftab.d files directly; only the idinstall command should be used.

An Ftab file contains the following whitespace-separated fields:

   entry suffix      function table name      return type of the function      flags

All fields are positional and must be separated by white space. Blank lines and lines beginning with ``#'' or ``*'' are considered comments and are ignored.


Ftab files only affect older, entry-type 0 modules. See Interface(4dsp) for a description of entry-type.

Named entry points for all statically-configured modules that have $entry lines in their Master(4dsp) files that match entry suffix will be included in the function table. Each function name is constructed by appending the entry suffix to the prefix from the module's Master file. Entries in the table are arranged according to the Master file's ``order'' field, in decreasing numeric order.

The ``flags'' field is optional. The following flags are supported:

The function table corresponding to the Ftab entry is driver-related. This causes a parallel CPU binding table to be generated for that particular function table. The name for the CPU binding table is constructed by appending the entry suffix to ``bindcpu_.''

Causes a parallel module name to be generated with char * entries pointint to the actual module name of the associated module. The name for the module-name table is constructed by appending the entry suffix to ``modname_.''


idbuild(1M), Interface(4dsp), Master(4dsp), System(4dsp)
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004