
dir (s5) -- format of s5 directories


   #include <sys/types.h>
   #include <sys/fs/s5dir.h>


A directory behaves exactly like an ordinary file, save that no user may write into a directory. The fact that a file is a directory is indicated by a bit in the mode word of its i-node entry [see the s5-specific inode_s5(4)]. The structure of a directory entry as given in the include file is:
   #ifndef  DIRSIZ
   #define  DIRSIZ  14
   struct direct
        o_ino_t    d_ino;	/* s5 inode type */
        char       d_name[DIRSIZ];

By convention, the first two entries in each directory are ``.'' for the entry itself and ``..'' for the parent directory. The meaning of ``..'' is modified for the root directory of the master file system; there is no parent, so ``..'' has the same meaning as ``.'' has.


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