
Rc -- system startup script




One of the kernel configuration files, an Rc file is an optional file that executes when the system is booted to initialize an installed kernel module. (Normally, this is a shell script (see sh(1).)

When the Rc component of a module's Driver Software Package (DSP) is installed, idinstall(1M) stores the module's Rc file in /etc/conf/rc.d/module-name, where module-name is the name of the module being installed. Package scripts should never access /etc/conf/rc.d files directly; the idinstall command should be used instead.

The contents of the /etc/conf/rc.d directory are linked to /etc/idrc.d whenever a new configuration of the kernel is first booted. On this initial reboot, and on all subsequent reboots, the module's Rc file is invoked upon entering init level 2 (see init(1M)).


idinstall(1M), init(1M), Sd(4)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004