
FsTable -- File System Table




FsTable is a list of file system types from which users can choose to make file systems on a floppy. Each entry includes the name of the file system (for example, Veritas) and the attribute (for example, mkvxfscmd) that can be found in the /etc/device.tab file. The MediaMgr will use this attribute to locate the actual UNIX system command to make the file system on the floppy.

The entry on the FsTable list has the following format:

Users can add more entries to this table, provided they also include the corresponding attribute=value pair in the /etc/device.tab file.

For example, to make an s5 file system through the MediaMgr, users need to add the following line to FsTable:

   dtmedia:401:s5	mkfscmd
To make the s5 file system, users also need to have the following attribute=value pair in the /etc/device.tab file:
   mkfscmd="/sbin/mkfs -F s5 /dedsk/f0t 28844:711 2 36


is the name of the file system type, similar to the string that appears in the Format Properties window.

is the name of the file in the directory /usr/lib/locale/LC_MESSAGES/* from which to retrieve the label. The name of the messageFile can be up to 14 characters long, but may not contain null or the ASCII code for / (slash) or : (colon).

is the sequence number of the string to retrieve from messageFile. The strings in messageFile are numbered sequentially from 1 to n, where n is the number of strings in the file.

is the label to use if messageNumber can't be retrieved from messageFile for the current locale.

is the tab character

is the device database (/etc/device.tab) entry used to find the UNIX system command that makes the file system on the floppy.





© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004