
putws -- put a wide line onto standard output


cc [flag ... ] file ... -lw [library] ...
   #include <stdio.h>
   #include <wchar.h>

int putws(const wchar_t *s);


putws transforms the wchar_t null-terminated wchar_t string pointed to by s into a byte string in EUC, and writes the string followed by a newline character to stdout.

This function does not write the terminating wchar_t NULL character.


On success, this function returns the number of wchar_t characters transformed and written (not including the newline character). Otherwise it returns EOF.


ferror(3S), fopen(3S), fprintf(3S), fputws(3C), fread(3S), intro(3), Intro(3S), putwc(3S), widec(3S)
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UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004