
Return time interval since a starting point


#include <udi.h>

udi_time_t udi_time_since (

	udi_timestamp_t start_time );

ARGUMENTS start_time is a timestamp value marking the starting point of the interval.

DESCRIPTION udi_time_since returns the time delta between a previously recorded time, in start_time, and the current time. The previously recorded time must have been obtained via udi_time_current.

The system time resolution can be determined from the min_curtime_res field in the udi_limits_t structure.

udi_time_since is equivalent to:

	udi_time_between(start_time, udi_time_current())

RETURN VALUES The time interval, in seconds and nanoseconds, is returned to the caller.

warnings Drivers must not assume that repeated calls to udi_time_since without returning from the driver will ever return different values; environments may choose to update the underlying time value only between calls into the driver. Delays must be implemented with timer services not timestamp services.

REFERENCES udi_time_t, udi_limits_t, udi_time_current

UDI Core Specification Contents