
Network control acknowledgment


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nsr_ctrl_ack (

	udi_nic_ctrl_cb_t *cb,

	udi_status_t status );

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage control operation control block.

status indicates success or failure of the control request

TARGET CHANNEL This request is issued to the NSR over the Network Interface Metalanguage control channel. If the control block used for this operation has been received from a previous control request operation from the NSR on this channel then the channel parameter will already be set to the correct value; this is the recommended mode of operation.

DESCRIPTION The udi_nsr_ctrl_ack confirms the udi_nd_ctrl_req operation that has been issued to the driver and passes back any requested information in the control block or the associated buffer structure.

STATUS VALUES UDI_OK indicates that the network control request operation succeeded.

UDI_STAT_NOT_UNDERSTOOD indicates that the control operation parameters were invalid.

UDI_STAT_RESOURCE_UNAVAIL indicates that the ND did not have and could not obtain the necessary resources to satisfy this request.

UDI_STAT_HW_PROBLEM indicates that the ND could not satisfy this request due to hardware problems or limitations.

WARNINGS This operation must use the same control block as originally received from the udi_nd_ctrl_req operation.

REFERENCES udi_nd_ctrl_req, udi_nic_ctrl_cb_t

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents