
Network unbind request


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nd_unbind_req (

	udi_nic_cb_t *cb );

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage standard control block.

TARGET CHANNEL The udi_nd_unbind_req is issued to the ND over the Network Interface Metalanguage control channel.

DESCRIPTION The udi_nd_unbind_req is used when the NSR wishes to close down an active binding between itself and the ND. All data transfer ceases, any queued data is discarded, and the data channel(s) are closed. The control channel may be used to issue a subsequent udi_nic_bind_req to the ND if desired or it may also be closed.

The udi_nd_unbind_req cannot be aborted.

This operation causes the ND and NSR to enter the UNBINDING state (see Section 2.4.1, "NIC Metalanguage States").

REFERENCES udi_nsr_unbind_ack, udi_nic_cb_t

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents