
Network information request


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nd_info_req (

	udi_nic_info_cb_t *cb,

	udi_boolean_t reset_statistics );

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage information control block.

reset_statistics is a boolean value which indicates whether the ND is to reset the statistics counters or not.

TARGET CHANNEL This request is issued to the ND over the Network Interface Metalanguage control channel. If the control block used for this operation has been received from a previous acknowledgement operation from the ND on this channel then the channel parameter will already be set to the correct value; this is the recommended mode of operation.

DESCRIPTION The udi_nd_info_req is used by the NSR to request information from the NIC Driver. The NSR supplies a udi_nic_info_cb_t control block which is filled in with the appropriate information by the ND and then passed back to the NSR.

The metalanguage-specific fields in the control block are unused for udi_nd_info_req and are intended to be filled in by the ND for udi_nsr_info_ack.

If the reset_statistics argument is true, the ND should reset the statistics after providing their current values in the cb control block being returned.

This request cannot be aborted.

REFERENCES udi_nic_info_cb_t, udi_nsr_info_ack

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents