
Network link enable request


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nd_enable_req (

	udi_nic_cb_t *cb );

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage standard control block.

TARGET CHANNEL This request is issued to the ND over the Network Interface Metalanguage control channel. If the control block used for this operation has been received from a previous acknowledgement operation from the ND on this channel then the channel parameter in the control block already specifies the correct value; this is the recommended mode of operation.

DESCRIPTION The udi_nd_enable_req is used when the NSR wishes to begin data transfer over the network connection provided by the ND and it's associated adapter. The NSR uses this operation to enable the link. The link will not necessarily become immediately available, although the ND will acknowledge this request as soon as it has successfully initiated the link enable operation. The actual link up state will be indicated by the ND via the udi_nsr_status_ind operation.

The ND is expected to update the configuration of the driver and adapter hardware from its device instance attributes (if any) each time the udi_nd_enable_req is issued. This insures that any device-specific configuration changes made by the MA or system administrator will take effect at that time.

This request cannot be aborted.

REFERENCES udi_nsr_enable_ack, udi_nd_disable_req, udi_nsr_status_ind, udi_nic_cb_t

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents