
Network driver bind request


#include <udi.h>

void udi_nd_bind_req (

	udi_nic_bind_cb_t *cb,

	udi_index_t tx_chan_index,

	udi_index_t rx_chan_index);

ARGUMENTS cb is a pointer to a Network Interface Metalanguage bind control block. The fields of this control block are to be initialized by the ND and returned in the udi_nd_bind_ack request to specify the operational parameters for the ND.

tx_chan_index is the index of the data transmit channel which is to be created between the ND and the NSR by synchronizing via udi_channel_spawn operations.

rx_chan_index is the index of the data receive channel which is to be created between the ND and the NSR by synchronizing via udi_channel_spawn operations.

TARGET CHANNEL The udi_nd_bind_req is issued to the ND over the Network Interface Metalanguage control channel which is the same as the primary channel created by the UDI Management Agent to initially bind the NSR and ND regions.

DESCRIPTION udi_nd_bind_req is used to associate, or "bind" a channel between the NSR and the ND. The udi_nic_bind_req provides information for creating the data transfer channel(s) and any other configuration information for supporting this network adapter.

The udi_nd_bind_req must be the first operation sent to the ND by the NSR over a newly created bind channel. The NSR must then await the udi_nsr_bind_ack operation before issuing other operations.

The udi_nd_bind_req cannot be aborted.

This operation causes the ND and NSR to enter the BINDING state (see Section 2.4.1, "NIC Metalanguage States").

REFERENCES udi_nsr_bind_ack, udi_nic_bind_cb_t

UDI NIC Driver Specification Contents