Remove an element from a queue


#include <udi.h>
#define UDI_DEQUEUE_HEAD(listhead) \

#define UDI_DEQUEUE_TAIL(listhead) \

#define UDI_QUEUE_REMOVE(element) \


ARGUMENTS listhead is a pointer to a list head element.

element is a pointer to a queue element.

DESCRIPTION UDI_DEQUEUE_HEAD removes the element at the head of the queue specified by listhead, and returns it to the caller.

UDI_DEQUEUE_TAIL removes the element at the tail of the queue specified by listhead, and returns it to the caller.

UDI_QUEUE_REMOVE removes element from its queue. With the exception that there is no return value, this macro is equivalent to the udi_dequeue function. Since the caller is specifying the element to remove, it is expected that normal usage would be to call this macro without expecting a return value, so the function return is voided out.

These macros must be called as if they, respectively, had the following functional interfaces:

udi_queue_t *UDI_DEQUEUE_HEAD (

			udi_queue_t *listhead );
udi_queue_t *UDI_DEQUEUE_TAIL (

			udi_queue_t *listhead );

			udi_queue_t *element );

REFERENCES udi_dequeue

UDI Core Specification Contents