Delete bytes from a logical buffer
#include <udi.h>#define \ UDI_BUF_DELETE( \ callback, gcb, size, dst_buf, dst_off) \ udi_buf_write(callback, gcb, NULL, \ 0, dst_buf, dst_off, \ size, UDI_NULL_BUF_PATH)ARGUMENTS callback, gcb are standard arguments described in the "Asynchronous Service Calls" section of "Calling Sequence and Naming Conventions".
size is the number of bytes to delete from dst_buf.
dst_buf is a handle to the logical buffer from which to delete bytes.
dst_off is the logical offset from the first valid data byte in the buffer to the start of the deletion, in bytes.
DESCRIPTION UDI_BUF_DELETE deletes size bytes from dst_buf starting at offset dst_off, logically moving any additional data "up" to fill the gap.
The macro UDI_BUF_DELETE must be called as if it had the following functional interface, as can be derived from the above macro definition and the definition of udi_buf_write:
void UDI_BUF_DELETE ( udi_buf_write_call_t *callback, udi_cb_t *gcb, udi_size_t size, udi_buf_t *dst_buf, udi_size_t dst_off ); typedef void udi_buf_write_call_t ( udi_cb_t *gcb, udi_buf_t *new_dst_buf );