
SaPrinter: SaPrintersGet, SaPrinterGetDefault, SaPrinterGetClasses, SaPrinterGetQueues -- SCOadmin interfaces for querying the print subsystem


SaPrintersGet [host] [type] [listtypes]
SaPrinterGetDefault [host]
SaPrinterGetClasses [host] [listtypes]
SaPrinterGetQueues [host] [type] [listtypes]


SaPrintersGet- get list of printers on host machine

SaPrinterGetDefault- get default printer on host machine

SaPrinterGetClasses- get list of printer classes on host machine

SaPrinterGetQueues- get list of printer queues on host machine

These functions provide a front end to obtain commonly used information from the printer OSA.

get a list of printers of specified type(s) on specified host machine. When "listtypes" is true, SaPrintersGet returns a list of lists where each list contains a pair: printer and printer type.

SaPrinterGetDefault [host]
get the default printer on the specified host machine. If no default printer is configured, returns {}.

SaPrinterGetClasses [host] [listtypes]
get a list of printer classes on the specified host machine. When "listtypes" is true, SaPrinterGetClasses returns a list of lists where each list contains a pair: class name and the type "class".

SaPrinterGetQueues [host] [type] [listtypes]
get a list of printer queues (e.g. printers and classes) of specified type(s) on specified host machine. When "listtypes" is true, SaPrinterGetQueues returns a list of lists where each list contains a pair: queue name and the type (see below).


title of a desktop icon representing an icon.

optional full pathname of a file to be printed. If omitted, a file selection box is presented for the user to interactively select the file to be printed.


Errors will be thrown and should be caught with ErrorCatch.
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004