
SaDisplay: SaDisplayErrorStacks, SaDisplayErrorInfo, SaDisplayNoAuths, SaDisplayNotRoot -- SCO Visual Tcl interface for displaying error stacks and other common errors


SaDisplayErrorStacks dialogName errorStacks help [callBack] SaDisplayErrorInfo dialogName topErrorText help [callback]
SaDisplayNoAuths dialogName manager callback [host]
SaDisplayNotRoot dialogName manager callback [host]


These provide a common user interface for presenting error stacks and other common error messages such as insufficient authorization.

The Error functions display an error box showing the top level error text from the stack. They provide a Details button for viewing the complete stack. This secondary dialog also provides a Save button for logging the error stack to a file for future reference. An optional Help button can be included where relevant help attachments are available. In the case of multiple error stacks, each is displayed in a loop, one at a time, after the previous error dialog is closed.

SaDisplayErrorInfo provides for displaying a simple text string rather than a fully formed error stack. It creates a standard stack which contains the topErrorText and then calls SaDisplayErrorStacks. This results in consistent error presentation regardless of its source.

The second group of functions provide a common error message for standard problems that should be handled consistently across all SCOadmin applications. SaDisplayNoAuths applies when the user does not have required subsystem and/or kernel authorizations. SaDisplayNotRoot applies when the user's UID is not 0 but needs to be for the particular application.


SCO Visual Tcl widget name for the new dialog.

list of 1 or more error stacks.

set to "HELP" to include a Help button on the error dialog box.

optional application callback to be called when the error dialog is closed.

simple text string versus a fully formed error stack.

application title which will be included in the error text.

optional host name. Defaults to the local host name. Used when the error resulted from a remote administration action.




All application callbacks are auto locked. See SCO Visual Tcl and -autoLock.
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004