
OFThrowBmipEvent, OFCatchBmipEvent -- send event to program making object call


OFThrowBmipEvent eventType message
OFCatchBmipEvent command eventType message


These routines can be used to send events from within an OSA to the program which is making an object call. The object call continues executing, but the program is notified of the events through a callback which is registered via ObjectEventNotification(3tlib). The event mechanism is intended as a as an additional way for OSAs to communicate information to programs using object calls, including information that cannot be sent back as part of an object response or an error stack. If no event handler is registered, the events will not be sent.

OFThrowBmipEvent sends an event directly back to the originator of the current object request. OFCatchBmipEvent sends an event only if the specified command returns an error. The error information is sent as part of the event, and execution of the object request proceeds as if no error had occurred. This routine is intended for notifying programs of errors which are not serious enough to halt processing.


the command which is run by OFCatchBmipEvent.

type of event sent by the routine. The value can be either "warning" or "notification".

message which is sent with the event. This message can be in any format.

25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004