
IntlLocal, IntlLocalizeMsg -- localize message


IntlLocalizeMsg messageId [argList]
IntlLocal type messageId [argList]


These functions provide the support for fully internationalizing Tcl applications using symbolic message ids and external message catalogs. Both return properly localized data.

localize the specified message and optionally format arguments into the message as with sprintf. This is equivalent to a IntlLocal command with the text option. With the ``type'' argument, IntlLocal can return a Tcl list structure rather than just the localized text.

localize the specified message and optionally format arguments into the message as with sprintf(3S).


the symbolic message ID. It must be in the form XXXX_MSG_YYYY or XXXX_ERR_YYYY. It is used to index the external message catalog or the default message set defined locally in the application itself.

a list of arguments to format into the message. There must be corresponding sprintf format specifications in the message catalog string. Use of the %n$ form is encouraged fot multiple format specifiers.

the type of localized message format returned: "text" - Return the message as a localized text string only "ext" - Return the message in the external, Tcl list format:

{msgId moduleIdNum msgNum msgText}


gencat(1), mkcatdecl(1).


If the Tcl message declaration file for the module ID has not been sourced, it will be loaded from the a Tcl library.
25 April 2004
© 2004 The SCO Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
UnixWare 7 Release 7.1.4 - 25 April 2004